

Exhibition “Mirror – Face to Face”
Exhibition “Mirror – Face to Face”
Italian and Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian Artists exhibition “Mirror – Face to Face” You are very welcome to the opening  of the exhibition on 10 August 2023 at Kohila School of Arts in Tohisoo manor at 5:00 p.m. Kohila Kunstide Kool, Open Mon-Fri from 9 am to 6 pm Sat 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (from September 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.) Viljandi mnt 37, Kohila 79804, Raplamaa, tel +372 4833 887 Additional information. Inga Heamägi Tel: +372 5818 8568  E-post:
XXIII Kohila Symposium GRAND FINALE will take place in Tohisoo manor on 29.07! Participant artists are Eyvind Solli Andreassen (NO), Dori Schechtel Zanger (IL), Dārta Berkmane (LV), Irene Zenonos (CY), Mingailė Mikelėnaitė (LT), Niko Mankinen (FI), Mira Niittymäki (FI), Maria Rita Badilla-Gudiño (PH), Katarzyna Miściur (PL) and interdisciplinary artist Evi Pärn (EE). The fire sculpture is built by artists Aigi Orav (EE) ja Külli Kõiv (EE). During the symposium, sculptural ceramic works will be created, which will be fired in a wood firing anagama kiln and exhibited at the end of the symposium. This year the theme is CLAY and POLITICS. 29.07 GRAND FINALE schedule: 18:00 bus from Tallinn 19:00 opening words 20:00 exhibition opening and guided tour 21:00 concert by Marten Kuningas 22:20 fire show  22:30 fire sculpture opening 23:00 bus back to Tallinn
“Etudes For Blue, Red And Brown” by Gerda Hansen, Jane Muts & Mari Steinberg
Gerda Hansen, Jane Muts and Mari Steinberg will open their exhibition Etudes For Blue, Red And Brown in Hobusepea gallery on Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 18.00. The curator of the exhibition is Aleksander Metsamärt. Exhibition will be open until August 7, 2023.
“What Happened with this Lovely Girl?” by Maria Lapteva Sidljarevitš
Maria Lapteva Sidljarevitš opens her exhibition What Happened with this Lovely Girl? in Draakon gallery at 18:00 on Monday, July 10th, 2023. The exhibition will be open until August 5th, 2023.
Exhibition “Hold Me Tender”
Exhibition “Hold Me Tender”
On 7 July at 6 pm, the group exhibition Hold Me Tender will open at Tallinn Art Hall’s Lasnamäe Pavilion. The show deals with relationships, care, social roles and responsibility, language and ethnicity, vulnerability and violence. From Tallinn, the exhibition will move on to our southern neighbours. The exhibition in Tallinn will remain open until 24 September.   The participating artists are Bas Jan Ader, Agnė Jokšė, Morta Jonynaitė, Sandra Kosorotova, Keiu Maasik, Maija Mustonen, Marko Mäetamm, Sarah Nõmm, Hanna Piksarv, Mark Raidpere and Elīna Vītola. The exhibition is curated by Siim Preiman.  
Exhibition “Look up. Look up in the sky”
Kristen Rästas Opening: 06/07/23 from 6 to 9 pm Open until: 22/07/23 every Thursday to Saturday from 4 to 7 pm Or by appointment: roam project space Lindenstraße 91,  10969 Berlin *
Ingrid Allik’s solo exhibition “Sekret”
From 8 July, Ingrid Allik’s solo exhibition “Sekret” will be open in the Tartu Art Museum. Exploring autobiographical topics and those encompassing life’s circles, Ingrid Allik has chosen to pursue free creative work as a ceramicist. Curious for experiments and mindful of the creative process, Allik is constantly changing and evolving as an artist without imposing restrictions on her work in terms of media or dimensions. Her art practice ranges from individual objects to large-scale installations. Original pieces by the artist often occur alongside collected objects, amplifying each other, telling stories of past memories and experiences.
“The joy derived from observing birds (which may be gradually disappearing from the world around us)” by Aksel Haagensen
On Friday, 30 June at 5:00 p.m. Aksel Haagensen will open his solo exhibition “The joy derived from observing birds (which may be gradually disappearing from the world around us)” in the small gallery at the Tartu Art House. The curator of the exhibition is Saskia Lillepuu. Aksel Haagensen was born in Sydney, Australia. His family moved to Estonia when he was eight years old. One of his clearest memories from his early childhood was his obsession with birds: he would draw them, look at them through binoculars, watch them at the zoo, re-enact bird shows he witnessed at the zoo, repeatedly watch documentaries his grandmother recorded for him on VHS cassettes, and for many years a Christmas or birthday would not pass without little Aksel receiving a bird book.
Kursi Koolkonna XXXV sünnipäeva näitus Tartu Kunstimajas
On Friday, 30 June at 5:00 p.m. the Kursi School artists’ group will open its 35th anniversary exhibition in the Tartu Art House. The Kursi School was established in spring 1988. The artists’ group was founded by Albert Gulk, Peeter Allik, Ilmar Kruusamäe and Priit Pangsepp. Over the years, Marko Mäetamm, Reiu Tüür, Imat Suumann, Külli Suitso and Priit Pajos have also joined. With its 35 years of activity, it is one of the oldest active artist groups in Estonia. A common feature of the work of the school's artists is an interest in people and their activity and living areas, and they deal with these in realistic, surreal and often grotesque creative ways.
Group exhibition “Through fog and stones”
On Friday, 30 June at 5:00 p.m. the group exhibition “Through fog and stones”, with works by Katarina Kruus, Liina Leo, Eugenio Marini and Ingrid Helena Pajo, will open in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House. In the exhibition, the artists will regather to weave their creative journeys into one living and breathing organism. As a follow-up to the exhibition projects “Roaming” (ARS Kunstilinnak, 2022) and “DOKKING Station” (Vent Space, 2021), this joint project is reaching into blurred intervals, into the mist.