

-> Arrowgroup THROUGH [a] HEAD
-> Arrowgroup THROUGH [a] HEAD
April 4 – April 21, 2023 Jakobi gallery, Tartu You are invited to the closing of the exhibition on Friday, April 21 at 4 p.m. --> Arrowgroup (-→ Noolegrupp in estonian) is an artist group active since 2004. It has appeared in front of the public with exhibitions in white cubes, installations and actions in public space, as well as in all kinds of alternative art spaces. An important part of the group's work is the play with exhibition formats and places, bending and placing them into boundaries that offer new challenges and opportunities, and then slipping over them. Interactivity and audience involvement have played an important role in the artistic practice of --> Arrowgroup. It is based on the belief that every idea must be so explainable, that others can contribute either by acting or by thinking along and the process is more valuable than the end result.
Tanel Veenre „EX POST“
Tanel Veenre „EX POST“
On Thursday, April 6th, the exhibition EX POST by Tanel Veenre, will be opened simultaneously in Draakon gallery and the VAULT of A-Galerii.⁠ The exhibition will be open in Draakon gallery until April 29 and in the VAULT of A-Galerii until May 6. ⁠⁠ What comes after? I’m in the moment between then and now, confined in space and time. But what comes after? Tanel Veenre
Kadri Liis Rääk „Exopoiesis“.
Kadri Liis Rääk „Exopoiesis“
Kadri Liis Rääk will open her solo exhibition Exopoiesis in Hobusepea gallery at 18:00 on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023. Exhibition will be open until April 30th, 2023. With her current exhibition Exopoiesis, Kadri Liis Rääk reacts to social, ecological and existential crises that we are facing today while looking towards a possible future. The artist seeks answers to questions what an alternative world could be, how would it emerge and disappear and what our role in experiencing this time-space during these processes.
Diāna Tamane’s solo exhibition “The Sea is You”
On Thursday, 30 March at 6 pm, Diāna Tamane’s solo exhibition The Sea is You will be opened at Tallinn City Gallery. The artist’s series of watercolours is based on meditation and breathwork, drawing attention to the uncertainty of artistic work and the need to take time out. The curator of the exhibition is Siim Preiman.  At the exhibition, Diāna Tamane will display a series of watercolours completed over the past two years. These works are a step towards a body-based practice, where art grows out from life and vice versa – gently and naturally. Synchronised breathing and painting results in intuitive and flowing works that do not drain energy, but rather give it.
Exhibition “Shallow Springs“
Exhibition “Shallow Springs“
OPENING: WEDNESDAY, 12 APRIL AT 6–8PM 13.04.–22.06.2023 For some reason they thought this exhibition should be titled Amber. Amber could be a natural resource, a souvenir, a wall colour, or a way to accidentally preserve mosquitos full of dinosaur blood, making Jurassic Park possible. They are imagining this curator. Her name is Amber. She is on a Baltic-Nordic tour, taking the long trip from LA to Vilnius, making her way through Riga, Tallinn and Helsinki to look for inspiration. Afterwards – Ibiza, for fun and romance. Maybe Amber is from a tiny spa town with an air of mystery. Shallow Springs, Wyoming. Shallow Springs, Arizona. She has left town, she has made it in the art world, but what happened in Shallow Springs is haunting her dreams.
Taave Tuutma's curatorial exhibition “Lost Art“
Galleries Metropol Cabinet and Metropol Staircase (Vana-Kalmaja 46) March 11 – April 2, 2023 During Performative Arts Festival of March 9 titled “Body Culture” an exhibition which brings to light some undercurrents of the theme of percentage art was opened in the Metropol gallery. How is it that an industry like sports has risen to play an ever-increasing role in the cultural landscape? Music and flm makers have been competng or a long tmee Now it's tme or visual arts - partcipaton in percentage art compettons is taking on the dimensions o a natonal sporte But whenever there is competton, there are downsidese The competence o the judges, the bias o the competton conditons and the shortcomings in the quality o the executon are new topics in art circlese What could be done beter and what are the possible botlenecks? ou have to compete and adapte
Exhibition “Look at Me! Listen to Me!“
25.02.2023–04.06.2023   The exhibition Look at Me! Listen to Me! introduces vibrant, powerful and touching artworks of Russian-speaking female artists who live in Estonia. Even though the ten artists included in this exhibition have very different upbringings, artistic approaches and career paths, they all have three things in common: they are women, have careers in Estonia and speak Russian as one of their main languages. The artists’ own experiences and research studies of the last twenty years prove that ethnic segregation in the Estonian labour market is still strongly evident. Combined with gender stereotypes that still permeate our society and the economic instability of creative careers, this situation pushes Russian-speaking female artists at least a few, and sometimes quite many, steps backwards compared to other authors.
“Selected“ by Valeri Vinogradov
“Selected“ by Valeri Vinogradov
Valeri Vinogradov will open his solo exhibition Selected in Hobusepea gallery at 18:00 on Wednesday, March 8th, 2023. The exhibition will remain open until April 3rd, 2023. Additional information: Hobusepea Gallery Tel: +372 56 451 591       +372 52 85 324       +372 6 276 777 E-mail: Hobusepea 2, Tallinn 10133 Wed‒Mon 12.00‒18.00
Photo: Kristiina Aarna, 2022
Feministeerium and EKA Gallery invite you to the exhibition “Don't cross their boundaries!” opening on March 17 at 4 pm in the EKA lobby! Don't cross their boundaries! 17.03-25.08.2023 Opening: 17.03, 4 pm at EKA lobby EKA Billboard Gallery, Kotzebue 1 Participating artists:  Kristiina Aarna, Karola Ainsar, Katharina Grepp, Kärt Heinvere, Annika Hint & Irmeli Terras, Maria Kapajeva, Sanna Kartau, Hanna Eliise Kask, Karis Kivi, Maria Izabella Lehtsaar, Annemarie Maasik, Marlene, Susanna Mildeberg, Katariin Mudist, Enn Nazarov, Liisa Niit, Katerina Rothberg, Pamela Samel, Tiina Sööt, Daria Titova, Kadi Viik, Laura Vilbiks
Maria Kapajeva’s “Loose Photos, Odds and Ends”
On 9 March at 17pm two solo exhibitions will open at Vana-Võromaa Museum and Art Gallery, one of which is Maria Kapajeva’s “Loose Photos, Odds and Ends”.