

“And After” by Tuukka Kaila
“And After” by Tuukka Kaila
On Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 6 pm, the solo exhibition “And After” by Tuukka Kaila will open in Draakon Gallery. The exhibition takes place in the framework of the Tallinn Photomonth satellite program. An artist talk will take place at the exhibition on Saturday, October 7 at 4 pm. In a gathering of some recent ideas and objects, this is one way how things could turn out. And After continues the artist's work around knowledges arising from various curiosity based systems. Tuukka Kaila
Book presentation: Jaan Luik. Practice
On Saturday, 30 September at 2 p.m. a book of Jaan Luik "Jaan Luik. Practice" will be presented. It will be followed by an artist talk in Estonian. The conversation will be conducted by art historian Tõnis Tatar. To celebrate Luik’s 70th birthday, the exhibition "The Garden of Stretching Figures (And Other Forms of Metamorphoses)" was opened in the Tartu Art House and his first monograph "Jaan Luik: Creation" will be published. The book illustrates Luik's position in the field of Estonian sculpture and comprises a broad selection of his works and artistic process over 5 decades. The book was compiled by Laura De Jaeger and Johannes Luik and contains textual contributions by Art Allmägi, Laura De Jaeger, Juhani Järvinen, Kirke Kangro, KIWA, Johannes Luik and Taavi Talve.
Exhibition “Keeping things in the dark, again”
Join us for the exhibition “Keeping things in the dark, again” opening on September 22, 5 pm!   Anna Škodenko, Darja Popolitova, Viktor Gurov and Francisco Martínez  22.09—25.10.2023 Opening: 22.09 at 5 pm “Keeping things in the dark again” is a collectively curated art project, based on ethnographic research. The exhibition at the EKA gallery is the final part of a trilogy, which reflects on the correlation between public secrets and shadow spaces in Ida-Virumaa. Over the past three years, we have visited 37 basements, exploring the underground material culture of this post-industrial, Russian-speaking, ecologically devastated region. A four-artist installation has been the first outcome of our collective work, which was exhibited in the Riga Art Space (2022) and at the Sillamäe Museum (2023).
Tarrvi Laamann “Deya, Norge PopUp!”
Tarrvi Laamann “Deya, Norge PopUp!”
Tarrvi Laamann “Deya, Norge PopUp!” at Hermetikken Kulturnæringshage, Vadsø, Kingdom of Norway 25.-29.10.2023 On Wednesday, October 25, opens Tarrvi Laamann the PopUp exhibition Hermetikken Kulturnæringshage, Vadsø Culture Center, Norway.
“Silver Bullet / Dinner for Four” by Holger Loodus
On Friday, 15th of September at 6 pm Holger Loodus will open his solo exhibition titled “Silver Bullet / Dinner for Four” at Vaal Gallery. The exhibition will remain open until 7th of October. The series of paintings titled "Dinner for Four" is about you and me and the unknown guests who come to visit us one evening from far away. The guests have come to provide answers to questions that have been bothering us for a long time - how to end wars and solve global problems; what the future of our planet will be; is humanity still sustainable or is it time to pack up and leave? And finally, as perhaps what we all think about, how can we become better human beings? At the same time, there are so many questions we would like to ask, but perhaps we are afraid to. What answers do they bring? We've never sat down with people who have no face, no body, and who don't speak with words. But they talk a lot.
Workshop: Exploring Spatial Audio and Ambisonics with Bálint Laczkó (NO)
Join us for an informative workshop on Spatial Audio and Ambisonics with Bálint Laczkó (NO), designed to provide you with the essential knowledge to begin your journey into the world of spatial audio projects. It's mandatory to register for the free workshop here: Ambisonic studio is situated in ARS Art Factory: Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn 11317, Estonia.
Karel Koplimets, Nimeta (Nurk) / Untitled (Corner), 2022
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the opening of Karel Koplimets' exhibition “One Is the Loneliest Number” on Thursday, 14 September at 6 PM. The exhibition presents photo installations that analyse loneliness and the fears associated with it. The exhibition is a continuation of the exhibition of the same name that took place in 2022 in Vilnius (AV17) gallery.
Exhibition “The Young Unknown”
Exhibition “The Young Unknown”
Contemporary - ART EXHIBITION 2023 Station Narva & OBJEKT multimedia future hub & SillArt Gallery: Eduard Zentsik, Vovan Kaštan, Vladimir Kopõlov, Alex Bitskov, Lena Tõsjatova, Anastassia Volkova, Jelizaveta Saveljeva, Aleksei Bitskov, Darja Jasnjuk, Jannika Korolkova, Eneli Heinlaid, Narvamus
KORDON residency events
Open studios is a first public event of the KORDON LAB on Food and Energy residency programme that gives an opportunity to meet the artists in person. On Saturday, 9 September at 2pm the artists Alejandro Chellet and Jonas Palekas open their studio doors to introduce their thoughts, ideas and questions about the forthcoming residency and the topic: food and energy. The event starts with a presentation by Canadian architect David K. Ross introducing his architectural and environmental project “Pomme de parterre”, that is part of LINNANIIT ('CITY MEADOW') event series (see below).
“The garden of stretching figures (and other forms of metamorphosis)” by Jaan Luik
On Friday, 8 September at 5 p.m., Jaan Luik will open his solo exhibition “The garden of stretching figures (and other forms of metamorphosis)” in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House. The curators of the exhibition are Johannes Luik and Laura De Jaeger. The exhibition provides a unique look at the studio of the artist and contains his works from the collection of the Tartu Art Museum. This is the first major retrospective of Jaan Luik’s work. It presents a broad selection of sculptures by the artist made from 1976 to 2023.