

Food-themed community programme to launch at Tallinn Art Hall’s Lasnamäe Pavilion
On 19 August at 4 pm, we will launch the food-themed community programme of lectures and joint cooking sessions, Korr-korr (Borborygmus) at the exhibition Hold Me Tender, featuring a variety of creators and thinkers in whose work preparing and sharing food holds a special place. The programme will be opened by Ulla Juske, Eva Järv and Hanna Piksarv with a campfire event, inviting visitors to grill whitebread over the flames and enjoy stories shared in the simple charm of fire.
Exhibition “Iron Men” by Jaanus Samma
On 23 August at 6 PM, Jaanus Samma's solo exhibition Iron Men, curated by  Krist Gruijthuijsen (KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin), will open at EKKM. In this project, Samma presents a suite of new works, which continue his exploration and analysis on national narratives and representations of power through masculinity. 6 PM Exhibition tour with the artist and the curator 7 PM Opening speeches
Exhibition “To mold, To hold. Currents in Estonian ceramics”
On 18 August at 7 p.m., the group exhibition "To mold, To hold. Currents in Estonian ceramics" will open atin the ARS project space in Tallinn. "To mold, To hold. Currents in Estonian ceramics" includes a selection of ceramic works by prominent artists of the last century and contemporary artists and designers. A selection of works from the collections of the Estonian Artists Association and the Estonian Museum of Applied Arts and Design, as well as from contemporary artists, is accompanied by Kati Saarits' diary-like snapshots of publications from the second half of the last century on ceramic art and binders compiled by Leo Rohlin, both from the ETDM archive. The exhibition will also include a revised version of Raili Keiv's table installation from the exhibition 'ROOM' at the Estonian Museum of Applied Arts and Design, which highlighted the ceramicists who made their mark in Estonian ceramic companies in the 1960s and 1980s, as well as some more recent outstanding finds. The exhibition is part of the 100th anniversary of the ceramics department of the EAA.
“The New Unknown” Eduard Zentsik
On August 11th at 6:00 pm, there will be an art exhibition at SillArt gallery by the artist Eduard Zentsik. The exhibition is called „Uus Tundmatu“ or “The New Unknown”. The name makes us think about what the future holds for us, as it's always full of unknowns. Maybe art can give us some hints? Eduard Zentsik is a multifaceted and prolific artist. His paintings create a fantastic space that seems to have room for all kinds of things and ideas. Every era and culture are influenced by his art, but there's a mysterious system behind it. Let's try to understand it better...
“Where Is Your Red Line?” by Edgar Tedresaar
On Thursday, August 10th, 2023 at 18.00 Edgar Tedresaar will open his exhibition Where Is Your Red Line? in Draakon gallery. The exhibition will be open until September 2nd, 2023. Red lines can be stable, axiomatic and discreet. Yet they can also be unstable and larger than life. The latter have suddenly appeared in our lives. These are thick lines, effervescent and unnerving. In the field of security, red lines mark an area within which someone wants to be sovereign, or perhaps even dominate another. Such actors are rational and have agency. Their areas of activity inevitably overlap, albeit partially.
Exhibition “fugacity" at Tallinn Linnahall
kaduvik / fugacity /переменность Tallinna Linnahall 05.08 - 10.09.2023 Open daily 12:00–21:00 NB! Entrance through the main door On Friday, 4 August at 7pm, the exhibition “fugacity” will open in Tallinn Linnahall.
 Printmaking IN “On the Edge of Change”
Join us in celebrating the 25th year anniversary of Printmaking IN Festival and Non Grata 25 at “On the Edge of Change”. Pärnu international Printmaking IN festival 2023 SATURDAY 05 AUGUST | Multiple locations throughout Pärnu! 2PM [14:00] Opening Rally at Pärnu City Gallery/Town Hall | Uus 4 Al Paldrok exhibition “On the Edge of Change”- Opening performances: “Defibrillator” featuring Antibody Corporation (USA), Joseph Ravens (USA), AnarcoArtLab (New York) Amy Gillian Wilson (USA) & Adriana Varella (Brazil) 3PM [15:00] Pärnu Central Library | Akadeemia 3 John O'Donnell (USA) Performance Temuri KHvingia “Homage to Kin-Dza-Dza - Homo Novus” / The Future Is Now / Toomas Kuusing International Graphic curated by Marko Kekishev Graphic design exhibitions: HGDF 2023 guest exhibition “Individuality ’23” HGDF 2023 guest exhibition “Today's Dutch poster”:
Exhibition “Like a Windless Cloud”
Exhibition “Like a Windless Cloud”
On Friday, August 11 at 6 p.m. at Hobusepea Gallery we celebrate the opening of a group exhibition Like a Windless Cloud. The exhibition is curated by Mariliis Rebane and includes sculptures by Touristes Tristes (Dylan Ray Arnold & Océane Bruel), series of postcards by Leena Kela, video works by artists Kristoffer Ala-Ketola, and Mika Taanila and a lecture performance by Shubhangi Singh. Like a Windless Cloud remains open until September 4. 
 “Waiting is when time is always in excess and when time is nevertheless short” by Tarvo Varres
On Friday, 4 August at 5:00 p.m. Tarvo Varres will open his solo exhibition “Waiting is when time is always in excess and when time is nevertheless short” in the monumental gallery at the Tartu Art House. In this exhibition, the artist continues to move along the trajectory of site-specific text-based installations. The central idea of the exhibition is the seemingly universal and somewhat paradoxical motif of “waiting”. Similar to the personal exhibition “The Shadow of Time” held at the Hobusepea gallery at the end of last year, the works of this exhibition - both sculptural and conceptual text-objects - are formed from Maurice Blanchot's sentences, selected by the artist, but here focusing on the motif of “waiting” instead of the concepts of “self” and “time” in the previous exhibition.
Diana Tamane's exhibition "Half-Love"
Diana Tamane's exhibition "Half-Love"
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the opening of Diana Tamane's exhibition "Half-Love" on Thursday, 3 August 3 at 6 PM. The exhibition is centered on a series of photographs depicting the artist Diana Tamane’s younger half-sister Elina. The first photo was taken more than 10 years ago. Diana’s photos capture Elina growing up and the meetings of the two sisters every summer in the Latvian seaside summerhouse region Kursīši. The continuity of the photos provides insight into the sisters’ personal relationship and the development of their creative collaboration. According to Diana, she “wanted to recall the simple joys available to us, such as the feeling of the sun on our skin, the taste of still warm tomatoes from the greenhouse, the softness of the grass underfoot, and the sound and smell of the sea.”