

“Polar Wonder“ by Britta Benno in the Ice Age Center
On June 3, artist Britta Benno's fictive space installation “Polar Wonder” will open in the Ice Age Center. At Benno's personal exhibition, it opens as an arctic oasis, with ice and landscape as the main characters, and the artist plays with forms and lines. The author's drawing language expands into a multi-layered landscape abstraction in the exhibition. The exhibition complements the so-called future floor of the Ice Age Center, which focuses on climate change and the environmental impact of human activity.
Group exhibition “Pretty Gimmicks, Charming Trinkets and all the Other Things“
A group exhibition “Pretty Gimmicks, Charming Trinkets and all the Other Things“ will open on Friday, June 2nd at 18:00 at the terminus stop of the Kopli tram line. The six participating artists are united by their love of things: their artistic practice revolves around nearly forgotten objects as if prolonging their lifespan. At a time when there are more (and far too many) things than ever, people are still deeply attached to the tangible. Through the intense observation, collection, deconstruction and repetition of everyday objects, artists take a glimpse into the subconscious of humanity. There is something very human in what the artists in this exhibition point to in their exploration of people's obsession with things. It is this 'something' that makes things the anchors to which we attach our identities and the vessels in which we gather our experiences. The inner life of things observed in this way turns them into capsules of humanity, which carry the invisible evidence of being human as they 'marinate' in time. 
Exhibition “Triquetra”
Exhibition “Triquetra”
Artists: Darja Popolitova, Sabīne Vernere, Elīna Vītola Curator: Šelda Puķīte 26.5.–15.7.2023
Spring Exhibition 2023
Spring Exhibition 2023
The 23rd Annual Exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association held in Tallinn Art Hall’s Lasnamäe Pavilion displays works by 50 artists. The exhibition is open from 13 May until 22 June. Free entrance.
“In Loving Hands: Combining the Past with the Future” by Jaanus Samma ja Hansel Tai
On 12 May at 5 pm, the duo exhibition “In Loving Hands: Combining the Past with the Future” will open at Vana-Võromaa Museum and Art Gallery. Thecurator of the exhibition is Mari Škerin. The artists Jaanus Samma & Hansel Tai are in the focus of loving hands. Both have been on the curator’s radar for several years, as their works have evoked strong emotions. The exhibition features works that combine different mediums, but primarily showcase installations and jewellery.
“along the wall, down the stairs, outside” by Anu Vahtra
Anu Vahtra will open her solo exhibition along the wall, down the stairs, outside in Hobusepea gallery at 17:00 on Thursday, May 4th, 2023. Exhibition will be open until May 29, 2023. The exhibition along the wall, down the stairs, outside is a new installation by Anu Vahtra, consisting of works created since 2020. The process of observing and documenting situations, solutions and decisions in a city that is constantly under construction is reflected in photographs, videos and found objects. These works were originally created for exhibitions in Amsterdam, Athens and Brussels. The title of the exhibition is borrowed from Anne Carson's essay Chez l'Oxymoron (1988). The exhibition is accompanied by a text contribution by artist Lieven Lahaye and a film contribution by artist and filmmaker Ingel Vaikla. Graphic design by Elisabeth Klement.
“The Greenhouses and a Balloon” by Kadri Toom
On Friday, 5th of May at 5 pm Kadri Toom will open her solo exhibition titled "The Glasshouses and a Balloon" at Vaal Gallery. The exhibition will remain open until 27th of May.
galeriis Roman-Sten Tõnissoo & Ellen Vene ühisnäitus „Valguse rüpes, ihates pimedusse“
Roman-Sten Tõnissoo & Ellen Vene will open their co-exhibition If This Is Light, Then Give Us Darkness in Draakon gallery at 17:00 on Thursday, May 4th, 2023. Exhibition will be open until May 27th, 2023.  If This Is Light, Then Give Us Darkness, the co-exhibition of Roman-Sten Tõnissoo and Ellen Vene, serves as an ongoing collaboration between the two artists. Their distinctive styles exchange locations, reflect each other and create new forms of dialogue.
Kristi Kongi “Colours reminded me that life can get so interesting that we forget to be afraid.”
Kristi Kongi is the artist in residency this spring at roam project space. The residency concludes with the solo exhibition, “Colours reminded me that life can get so interesting that we forget to be afraid.”, taking place during the Gallery Weekend and Sellerie Weekend in Berlin! Opening: 28.04.23. 6 - 9 pm Open until: 7.05.23. Thursday - Sunday 4 - 7 pm & by appointment roam Lindenstraße 91 10969 Berlin /// “Fragility is a force of extreme strength, a force which we must tap for art.” - Miriam Cahn “What is the importance of the concept of saturated colour?” - Ludwig Wittgenstein
Festival of Spooky Action at the Distance 2023
On 11-13 May 2023 III International performing arts festival of Spooky Action at a Distance will take place in Tallinn. Live performances, music program, workshop, discussions and a bookshop by artists from Estonia, Portugal, Ukraine, Latvia, the Netherlands and the UK. The concept of spooky action at a distance, first described by Albert Einstein, describes how an object can be affected without being physically touched by another object. Just like we get touched, provoked, inspired by words, images, sounds. Just how arts, sciences, technologies and culture constantly influence each other. For three days and nights we will be exploring this phenomenon with the focus on the montage between natural and artificial, natural and synthetic. We invite artists whose experimental and risky creations we appreciate and therefore we want a wider audience to get to know them. And we believe that a small festival is a perfect concentrated environment where the visitor can get to know artists’ creative language.