Cotton Factory Nordic Artist Exchange nimelisse kunstiresidentuuri kandideerimine on tänavu avatud Euroopa Kultuuripealinn Tartu 2024 korraldavate omavalitsustega seotud kunstnikele.
Alates 2017. aastast aset leidev programm on toimunud Hamilton Arts Councili ja Eesti Kunstnike Liidu koostöös. Sel aastal on lisapartnerina kaasatud Tartu Kunstnike Liit ning kandideerida soovivatelt visuaal- ja meediakunstnikelt oodatakse seost mõnega tänavustest Euroopa Kultuuripeallinna Tartu 2024 korraldavatest omavalitsustest (Antsla vald, Elva vald, Kambja vald, Kanepi vald, Kastre vald, Luunja vald, Nõo vald, Otepää vald, Peipsiääre vald, Põlva vald, Rõuge vald, Räpina vald, Setomaa vald, Tartu linn, Tartu vald, Tõrva vald, Valga vald, Viljandi linn, Võru linn ja Võru vald).
Kandideerimine toimub inglise keeles, lõplik valik tehakse interneti-vestlusega ning eelduseks on piisav keeleoskus kahe kunstnikuvestluse või töötoa läbiviimiseks. Residentuur toimub 2024. aasta oktoobris nelja kuni kuue nädala jooksul.
Kandideerimise tähtaeg on 8. JUULI 2024!
Täpsemad kandideerimisreeglid allpool (inglise keeles).
Lisainfo: või
Täpsem tutvustus ja kandideerimise reeglid:
The Cotton Factory, in partnership with Hamilton Arts Council, Estonian Artists’ Association and Tartu Artists’ Union, offers the Nordic Artist Exchange (NAX) program. This year, the program is intended for artists who are active in the area covered by the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024.
The NAX program is designed to expand the individual artistic practices and professional ambitions of mid-career visual and media artists and build upon the relations between Canadian and Estonian Artists. The program provides airfare, an artist studio in the Cotton Factory and accommodation, as well as a $500.00 CAD weekly residency stipend and an allowance of up to $500 CAD to cover material costs. This is an opportunity to deepen your creative processes and build relationships with Canadian artists.
While in Hamilton you will be partnered with an artist support person that will help you navigate the city and the art scene in Hamilton and beyond.
Initiated in 2017, the Cotton Factory’s Nordic Artist Exchange Residency provides a mid-career artist from Estonia the opportunity to create new works in the inspiring artist studio provided by the Cotton Factory in Hamilton, Ontario over a four to six week period in October 2024.
Our vision is to foster cultural bridges between Estonia and Canada by facilitating artistic exploration and collaboration. The residency, supported by the Cotton Factory, the Hamilton Arts Council, the Estonian Artists’ Association and Tartu Artists’ Union, offers access to studio facilities, engagement with local artists, and opportunities to share knowledge through workshops and talks. There will the opportunity to share your expertise by teaching workshops or delivering an artist talk during your time at the Cotton Factory in Hamilton.
For any questions about the program, please email
For any questions regarding the application process, please email
To be eligible for consideration, applicants must:
Be a citizen of Estonia or a permanent resident living there.
Be active in the area covered by the European Capital of Culture Tartu 2024 (Antsla Parish, Elva Parish, Kambja Parish, Kanepi Parish, Kastre Parish, Luunja Parish, Nõo Parish, Otepää Parish, Peipsiääre Parish, Põlva Parish, Rõuge Parish, Räpina Parish, Setomaa Parish, Tartu city, Tartu Parish, Tõrva Parish, Valga Parish, Viljandi town, Võru town and Võru Parish).
Demonstrate commitment to the career of a professional visual artist by having practised professionally in their field for a minimum of five years, produced an independent body of work, and held at least two public exhibitions in a professional context
Be willing to give at least two (2) artists talks or workshops on their art, career and influences in Hamilton or in the Greater Hamilton Area.
An artist statement: Describe the conceptual basis of your artistic practice and frame your work within a larger context.
A minimum of five samples of your artistic work. Please include a description of the work, title, date created, mediums, and size. Minimum of 72 dpi.
Completion of an application form that includes:
A link to your website or social media pages;
A description of the work that you would like to explore while in Canada;
A four-week detailed plan of what you would like to create.
Applications must be sent in English to by 8 July 2024.