

Laura De Jaeger "Box Seats. Ridadevaheline". Photo: Joosep Kivimäe
On Monday, April 15 at 17.30 we welcome you to the artist tour of the exhibition „Box Seats. Ridadevaheline“! The author of the exhibition Laura De Jaeger will tell us more about the exhibition and introduces the material that can be found in the show. The tour will take place in English. Photo: Joosep Kivimäe * On Thursday, March 21 at 6 p.m., Laura De Jaeger's solo exhibition Box Seats. Ridadevaheline opens in Hobusepea gallery. The exhibition will remain open until April 15, 2024. 
“Slugs like us” by Katariin Mudist
“Slugs like us” by Katariin Mudist
Katariin Mudist “Slugs like us” at the HOP gallery The exhibition's opening is on April 18th at 6 p.m. accompanied by a performance by Keithy Kuuspu. A series of new texts for Katariin and her Slugs have been compiled by Sophie Durand on the occasion of this exhibition. The exhibition is open: Thu–Tue 11–18 until May 14th, 2024. The exhibition ‘Slugs like Us’ by Katariin Mudist infests the gallery with more than 300 ceramic slugs produced over the past three years. Building from an understanding that disgust and arousal are feelings that coexist, clay has been repetitively transformed into the form of a being that might ordinarily disgust into something beautiful, perhaps even erotic. Infused with their own particular kind of spunk these sculptures have been both the focus of Katariin’s making and also have been produced alongside a relentless dedication to active material inquiry into processes such as bricklaying, list making and journaling.
 “MAN&MAN: The art of Survival”
On Friday, 12 April at 5 p.m., three new group exhibitions will open in the three galleries of the Tartu Art House as part of the art project “Pärnu-Tartu-Pärnu Art Express”: “Peculiarities of South-West Estonian Anarchism” in the large gallery, “WOMAN&WOMAN: The art of Survival” in the small gallery and “MAN&MAN: The art of Survival” in the monumental gallery. The cooperative project of the Tartu Art House and Pärnu City Gallery “Pärnu-Tartu-Pärnu Art Express” brings together the art of two Estonian cities that are distant in space but close in terms of art. The aim of the project is to diversify the cultural life of the two cities with an exhibition exchange programme.
group exhibition “Peculiarities of South-West Estonian Anarchism”
On Friday, 12 April at 5 p.m., the group exhibition “Peculiarities of South-West Estonian Anarchism” will open in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House as part of the art project “Pärnu-Tartu-Pärnu Art Express”. The curator of the exhibition is Janno Bergmann. The exhibition introduces the work of artists with some connection to the city of Pärnu, from the late 90s to the present day through photo and video documentation. The focus is mainly on performance and installation. The term “South-West Estonian anarchism” is not an official term, it was coined by art historian and curator Eha Komissarov in a rather random situation. However, it is perfectly suited to characterize the Pärnu School, being logical in essence and intriguing as a brand. South-West Estonia is exactly where Pärnu, known as a resort town, is located on the map of Estonia. Anarchism does not refer to a political position here. Rather, this definition refers to the Pärnu School operating outside the hierarchies and established traditions of the art world.
Group exhibition “WOMAN&WOMAN: The art of Survival”
On Friday, 12 April at 5 p.m., the group exhibition “WOMAN&WOMAN: The art of Survival” will open in the small gallery of the Tartu Art House as part of the art project “Pärnu-Tartu-Pärnu Art Express”. The curator of the exhibition is Marian Grau. The exhibition focus on the positions of women in today’s society and examines how to remain yourself as a woman in a world saturated with clichés and stereotypes. Five female artists work will introduced in the exhibition, either directly or indirectly deal with various strategies for surviving as a woman. In primitive societies, the wrong gender can be a matter of life and death. Jill Peters, an American photojournalist, documents the sworn virgins of Albania. The “sworn virgins“ are concept a dating back hundreds of years that refers to biological women living in Balkan villages who have decided at an early age to assume the social identities of men for the rest of their lives.
International group exhibition "Trigger"
International group exhibition "Trigger"
On 5 April at 18.00, the 2024 season of the EKKM will begin with the opening of international group exhibition 𝙏𝙧𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧 which is the first joint project of museum curators Evelyn Raudsepp and Maria Helen Känd. On the opening night, 5 April at 17.00, the exhibition will host an curatorial tour in English with the participating artists. On Saturday, 6 April at 14.00-18.00, it will be possible to meet curator Evelyn Raudsepp in the EKKM bar as part of the exhibition's public programme.
“Somewhere, over the rainbow“ annual exhibition by the Estoanin Painters Association
Annual exhibition of the Estonian Painters Association at MONA the New Museum of Art 6.04.-26.05.2024
Pildi allikas / Image source: Rasvatihane, Kohlmeise, Parus major, Great Tit. Kumari, Eerik. „Eesti lindude välimääraja” (Valgus, 1984)
On Thursday, 28 March at 6 p.m. Raul Meel, one of the living classics of Estonian art, opens his solo exhibition Letters from Estonian Songbirds at Vabaduse Gallery. The exhibition will remain open until 24 April 2024. Since the late 1960s, Meel started to write poetry text-pictures (a term coined by the artist himself) using the sounds made by various Estonian birds. Combining concrete poetry, visual poetry and sound poetry, Meel has transcribed birdsong and presented them as systematic series characteristic to his work. To create his visual and vocal poetry, the artist has turned to the descriptions, transcriptions and hearings of bird sounds. In addition to the information found in ornithological handbooks, he has reminisced what he himself had noticed, seen, heard, experienced and reflected upon, while in nature.
“The Magic of Beauty” by Eduard Zentsik
23.03.–23.05.2024 Exhibition “The Magic of Beauty”, Eduard Zentsik Opening 23.03 at 17.00 Ajamaja Gallery, Tallinna 16, Kuressaare, Estonia Welcome to the opening of a unique exhibition. We present to you an exposition titled “The Magic of Beauty” by the artist Eduard Zentsik. Beauty is something infinite and boundless! It is embodied in the eternity of harmony. The author conveys profound messages through images of femininity and mystery, enveloped in magic, symbolism, and mysticism. Meanwhile, modernity adds relevance and interest to this unique combination.
“A Little Less Blue Skies, A Little More Red Sunsets” by Ivar Veermäe
We welcome you to the opening of Ivar Veermäe's solo exhibition A Little Less Blue Skies, A Little More Red Sunsets at Draakon gallery on Wednesday, March 20 at 18.00. The exhibition will remain open until April 13, 2024.  The 1992 eruption of the Pinatubo volcano in the Philippines reduced the global average temperature by 0.4°C for approximately one year. This happened due to sulfur particles thrown into the stratosphere, which reflected 10% of the sun's radiation back into outer space.