

“From the Depths of the Infinite Ocean” by Mirjam Hinn
On Wednesday, January 24 at 18.00 Mirjam Hinn’s solo exhibition From the Depths of the Infinite Ocean opens in Hobusepea gallery. The exhibition will remain open until February 19, 2024.  In the exhibition From the Depths of the Infinite Ocean Hinn employs an abstract and dynamic painting language to engage with the contemporary human experience in today’s society. The artist directs one’s gaze into the private and delicate inner world of a human soul, commonly invisible to the onlooker. The exhibition is a continuation to her previous shows High Voltage in Tartu Art Museum and Floating Perspectives in Nuvole Arte gallery in Italy. 
 “Cyanoceans” byTuomas A. Laitineni & Kristina Õllek
Kai Art Center is delighted to present a duo exhibition featuring Finnish artist Tuomas A. Laitinen and Estonian artist Kristina Õllek. In their first collaboration, Laitinen and Õllek provide a comprehensive overview of their recent works, creating an alluringly translucent environment. Artists’ tour in English will take place on Saturday January 27th at 2 pm.
“Memories from Altai Krai” by Liisa Kruusmägi
Liisa Kruusmägi will open her solo exhibition Memories from Altai Krai at Tallinn City Gallery on 25 January at 6 pm. The exhibition unravels the story of the artist's ancestors who journeyed to the vast Siberian region in search of a better life. The exhibition is curated by Anneliis Lepp.  
Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grinsi isikunäitus „Kes mälëtab viimasena, kes mälëtab paremini?“
On Thursday, January 18th, Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grins will open her solo exhibition, titled “Who remembers last, who remembers better?” at Tütar gallery. The focal point of the exhibition is a five-meter-long rag rug created as a collaborative effort by Kadrina community, telling the story of a vanished village and hill in Lääne-Virumaa in 1977. Koplimetsa is a historical village in Kadrina parish, established in 1877. The village disappeared in 1977 when farms were replaced by collectives, and people were resettled from farm buildings to apartments. Concurrently, changes were made to the local landscape, most notably the removal of a four-kilometer-long esker wall, Niinemäe. The gravel obtained from the hill was used for nearby military objects and the construction of the Tapa-Loobu road. This episode is not unusual in Estonian history; there are many such villages that have disappeared. The lost Koplimetsa serves as an example to narrate the story of Estonia and, more broadly, our entire region.
Lauri Koppel's exhibition “The Dreamer Is Still Asleep”
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the opening of Lauri Koppel's exhibition "The Dreamer Is Still Asleep" on Friday, 19 January at 5 PM. The exhibited works come from the artist’s dreams. Curtain, screen, hidden space / Paavo Matsin / It is a well-known fact that pickpockets widely use so-called screens in their activities. It can be a newspaper, an outer cloth thrown over the arm, or even another person. In the shadow of a screen, one's actions are carried out, which no one is allowed to see. Once an acquaintance of mine became the owner of an apartment where a professional card player had lived. In the middle of the room was a table, under which a knife with a scabbard was fixed, so that it could be grabbed without being noticed at the moment of need. Böhme says that the devil has no faces, only masks.
Exhibition “Down the Rabbit-hole”
Exhibition “Down the Rabbit-hole”
Victoria Holdt & Kristen Rästas 15.11.2023-15.01.2024   ENTER THE EXHIBITION   “But you know, sometimes I feel that I just want to paint colourful pictures and not even think about what it means.” 23.9.20
Nele Suisalu, photo Alissa Šnaider; Anna Škodenko, photo Elo Vahtrik.
You are kindly invited to participate in Nele Suisalu’s workshop At Voice Distance on 20 January from 16:00 to 18:00, inspired by Anna Škodenko’s solo exhibition At Arm’s Length in Tallinn City Gallery (Harju 13). Please confirm your attendance by filling in this registration form. The workshop is free and will be held in Estonian, Russian and English as needed.  
Art buss
On Friday, 12 January, three exhibitions will open in Ida-Viru County, and you can get there by ART BUS from Tallinn.ä The bus departs from Tallinn, EKA (Põhja pst. 7) at 13.30 and returns to the same place at approximately 23.30. ———————————————————————— FIRST STOP: 16.00 SillART Gallery, group exhibition "Third Shift. End of Work" The Sillart Art Gallery will host an exhibition on 12 January at 16.00, bringing together works from the collections of museums in Ida-Viru County and contemporary video art. Video works: Kai Kaljo, Ivar Veermäe, Eléonore de Montesquiou, Marge Monko, Raivo Kelomees and Maria Kapajeva. The exhibition is curated by Estonian Academy of Arts students Milena Appajeva, Õnne Paulus and Siim Raie. Exhibition event: ———————————————————————— Start to Narva at 17.30 ———————————————————————— SECOND STOP: 18.00 Narva Art Residence
“On The Edge of A Disappearing Landscape“ by Lilli-Krõõt Repnau
Lilli-Krõõt Repnau will open her solo exhibition On The Edge of A Disappearing Landscape in Draakon gallery on Friday, December 29, 2023 at 17:00. The exhibition will remain open until January 20, 2024. The exhibition On The Edge of A Disappearing Landscape brings together fleeting quotidian observations of urban and personal spaces. The layers of different places intertwine: they disappear, fade and re-emerge. These figments of imagination have been captured in graphic prints over several years. The process has often been set in motion by the changes that occur in the environment due to differing light conditions. The places are chosen from my daily trajectories, so it happens that a building located at Tartu mnt 24 in Tallinn is set side by side to Palganeem in Lääne-Virumaa. In the exhibition, I invite the viewer to take a closer look at the rapidly disappearing habitats around us, and its dislocation both in urban space and in landscapes.
“It will take approximately 25 minutes to experience this exhibition, we apologize for any inconvenience” by Sten Saarits
On Friday, December 29 at 6 pm we open the solo exhibition It will take approximately 25 minutes to experience this exhibition, we apologize for any inconvenience by Sten Saarits. The exhibition will remain open until January 22, 2024.