

Näitus „Kaose Kogudus 101”
“Congregation of Chaos 101” at the Tartu Art House On Friday, 24 May at 5 p.m., the joint exhibition “Congregation of Chaos 101” will open in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House. The curator of the exhibition is Martin Rästa. With the exhibition, the Congregation of Chaos (witnesses of eternally disappearing and appearing, immutably changing the immeasurable) is celebrating its 101st anniversary. “Chaos Congregation 101” is a spontaneously changing space filled with an infinite flow of chaos. Similar practices were also used as the basis for the 2019 exhibition “Congregation of Chaos. Retrospective” at the Kogo Gallery (Tartu). 
Merike Estna, "Prehistoric Origin", õli, akrüül, lõuend, 150x200 cm, 2023
Merike Estna solo exhibition "Peradam"
Peradam is a special crystal in René Daumal’s allegorical novel Mount Analogue (Le Mont Analogue, 1952). The novel tells the story of a group of adventurers who decide to embark on an expedition to a mysterious mountain located at the end of the world. To do so, they must first obtain the crystal-clear gem – the peradam – which can only be found by someone who truly seeks it. In her exhibition named after this priceless stone, artist Merike Estna reflects on where human civilisation is heading and how our prospects may sometimes seem as hopeless as those trying to reach the mystical mountain in Daumal’s novel. What role does art created over centuries or love experienced in our lifetime play when the future looks dark? It is a journey into the cave within the mountain and out again to discover what matters most. 
Kaarel Kurismaa
On Monday, May 13 at 5:30 p.m., Aljona Suržikova's documentary film "Kaarel Kurismaa. Beyond the Limits of Timelessness" will be screened in the EKA, with the artist present. Kaarel Kurismaa. Beyond the Limits of Timelessness Documentary 59 min Estonia 2024 A documentary about the Estonian artist Kaarel Kurismaa shows the viewer an insight into the world of artists. Kaarel Kurismaa laid the foundations for Estonian kinetic and sound art. He is a highly versatile artist whose creative energy is divided between painting, sound, installation, monumental art, and film. Kaarel has changed his creative direction several times; he has explored different artistic styles.
“Guiding Threads”  by Johanna Ulfsak
“Guiding Threads” by Johanna Ulfsak
Johanna Ulfsak‘s personal exhibition Guiding Threads will be open in Draakon gallery from Thursday, May 16, 2024. The exhibited artworks are accompanied by texts written by Gregor Kulla. Exhibition will remain open until June 8, 224.   The exhibition displays fabrics and spinning wheels. That is all.    Johanna Ulfsak (born 1987) is a freelance textile artist and designer. Gregor Kulla (born 2000) composer, performance artist, writer and critic.
 Johannes Luik’s exhibition „Forget-Me-Not: A Space in Three Acts“
On Thursday, May 16, at 18.00, Johannes Luik’s exhibition Forget-Me-Not: A Space in Three Acts will open in Hobusepea gallery. The exhibition will remain open until June 10, 2024.  Prologue:  Johannes Luik opens an exhibition that deals with the memory of a space in Hobusepea gallery. The exhibition is divided into three acts. Each fragment narrates a tale about space in remembrance.    The spaces are empty. The characters have left. The space is remembered. Act One: Entering the Space 
Group exhibition "Forever in Bloom"
An exhibition tour led by the curator and artists will take place as part of the group exhibition "Forever in Bloom" at Vaal Gallery on Wednesday, 15th of May at 6 pm. The tour will be followed by the screening of Peeter Simm's film "Multicolored Fairies" (1981). The duration of the film is 20 minutes. The event is free and held in Estonian. * Artists: Tõnis Jürgens, Loora Kaubi, Rebecca Norman, Viivi Saikkonen, Marleen Suvi, Roman-Sten Tõnissoo Curator: Kaisa Maasik  Graphic design: Jaan Pavliuk
Tiiu Vijar’s bookbindings
May 2nd – June 30th the exhibition of Tiiu Vijar’s bookbindings is open in the library’s 2nd floor reading area. Tiiu Vijar graduated from the State Art Institute of Estonia with a speciality in leather art in 1972 and worked for over 30 years in the Department of Leather Art at the same university.  She has participated in numerous exhibitions in Estonia and abroad, in addition to European countries in Australia, USA, and Japan. Precision in technical execution, use of various binding styles, and experimentation with techniques are important aspects of her work. Tiiu Vijar has participated in almost all international bookbinding art exhibitions "Scripta Manent" in Tallinn and international bookbinding art biennials in France.  The exhibition includes books participated in international bookbinding exhibitions in recent years. 
Spring Exhibition 2024
At the 24th annual exhibition of the Estonian Artists’ Association opening on 31 May at 6 pm, 252 artists have shown interest in participating. The jury selected works from 55 artists and collectives to be exhibited at Tallinn Art Hall’s Lasnamäe Pavilion.
Book launch & talk: Maria Kapajeva – a year-long scream
9.05, 18:00, Draakon Gallery You are kindly invited to the launch of Maria Kapajeva's book “a year-log scream”. Kapajeva started writing the book on February 24, 2022 – the day the full-scale war in Ukraine began. The book is written in a personal style and deals with themes of identity, collective and individual responsibility and guilt, language and belonging, feminism, and the stories of some of the Ukrainian refugees that the author encountered during the year. Kapajeva is joined by special guests, Sveta Grigorjeva, Katrin Hallas and Maarja Kangro who will read poetry and discuss the book. The book has been published in three languages (Estonian, English and Russian) and can be purchased at the presentation with a special price of €10. The readings will be held in Estonian, English and Russian. The discussion will be in in English. Graphic design: Kersti Heile Publisher: OPA!