

"Suuremjault mälëstustest" by Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grins
On Friday, October 20th, at 5:00 p.m., Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grins will present her personal exhibition titled "Suuremjault mälëstustest" at Vana-Võromaa Kultuurikoda. The exhibition will be on display until mid-December and can be visited from Wednesday through Sunday, between ten in the morning and six in the evening. "Suuremjault mälëstustest"  is a profound personal exhibition by Maryliis Teinfeldt-Grins, where the poetic imagery from her debut poetry collection, "Kivi alla kükakille," released earlier in the summer, converges with poignant narratives in the medium of embroidery. The exhibition offers a glimpse into the textile artist's recent creative endeavors, inviting viewers to reflect on the passage of time.
Group exhibition “Collusion“
Group exhibition “Collusion“
On Friday, 13 October at 5:00 p.m. the group exhibition “Collusion” will open in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House. The curator of the exhibition is Maarit Mälgi. The exhibition features the works of 13 talented artists, predominantly created during 2023. The works are all made of clay, but a number of different firing methods have been used to complete the works, from wood burning to earthenware and stoneware. In addition, one completely unfired work made of raw clay complements the exhibited works.  Each work on display possesses its own distinctive narrative and purpose for gracing this exhibition. The vast diversity of backgrounds and experiences among the artists is manifested in their distinct ways of handling materials, rendering the exhibition a vibrant and multifaceted collection.
“Things are closer than they appear” by Kristi Paap, Ketli Tiitsar and Siiri Nõva
On Friday, 13 October at 5:00 p.m. the joint exhibition “Things are closer than they appear” by Kristi Paap, Ketli Tiitsar and Siiri Nõva will open in the small gallery of the Tartu Art House.  The exhibition brings the viewer into immediate proximity to everyday familiar phenomena through materials, exploring the handmade rural living environment, the piled objects there, the plant community of the garden, its duration, current use and awareness.
Alar Tuul “x+y...”
Alar Tuul “x+y...”
On Wednesday, 11th of October at 6 pm Alar Tuul will open his solo exhibition titled “x+y...” at Vaal Gallery.  “x+y...” represents the rapidly changing world around us, which constantly influences our thoughts and ideas. The artist admits: "I repeatedly tried to force the captured topic into a fixed format. Unfortunately, this is not possible." Some of the thoughts or shapes in the painting lead elsewhere. The chaos of fragments altered the course of solutions. The original impulse lost its meaning. It's like a big canvas that we fill with our stories and experiences, but the more we try to organise it into a definite structure, the more it slips out of our grasp. Capturing specific thoughts and registering them was no longer the goal - the landscape x took it over. Problem x+y = was solved as 2x+2y.
Tallinn Photomont main exhibition "Trance”
On 6 October at 6 pm, Trance, the main exhibition of Tallinn Photomonth’s seventh edition, will open at Tallinn Art Hall’s Lasnamäe Pavilion. It explores people’s everyday addiction to screens and includes works by 17 artists from eight countries, as well as three artist duos and one artist group. Several artists will present their works in Estonia for the first time. Curated by New York based, Finnish curator, Ilari Laamanen, the exhibition will remain open until 26 November.  
“You've Been in My Mind” by Chun Au Yeung
Chun Au Yeung will open his solo exhibition You’ve Been in My Mind in Hobusepea gallery at 18:00 on Thursday, October 5th, 2023. Exhibition will be open until October 30, 2023. “It was a chilly night, so I went home after a long walk at dawn. I was sitting on the couch, covering myself with a blanket and listening to a song. The lyrics kept lingering in my head…”that’s me in the corner, that’s me in the spotlight, losing my religion…” That night, I was not the only one in the spotlight. Suddenly, I heard a big bang noise that came from the corner. It was so dark in the room, all I could see was all of my jackets falling off on the ground. At that moment, I was thinking about someone…” Chun Au Yeung
“And After” by Tuukka Kaila
“And After” by Tuukka Kaila
On Thursday, October 5, 2023 at 6 pm, the solo exhibition “And After” by Tuukka Kaila will open in Draakon Gallery. The exhibition takes place in the framework of the Tallinn Photomonth satellite program. An artist talk will take place at the exhibition on Saturday, October 7 at 4 pm. In a gathering of some recent ideas and objects, this is one way how things could turn out. And After continues the artist's work around knowledges arising from various curiosity based systems. Tuukka Kaila
Book presentation: Jaan Luik. Practice
On Saturday, 30 September at 2 p.m. a book of Jaan Luik "Jaan Luik. Practice" will be presented. It will be followed by an artist talk in Estonian. The conversation will be conducted by art historian Tõnis Tatar. To celebrate Luik’s 70th birthday, the exhibition "The Garden of Stretching Figures (And Other Forms of Metamorphoses)" was opened in the Tartu Art House and his first monograph "Jaan Luik: Creation" will be published. The book illustrates Luik's position in the field of Estonian sculpture and comprises a broad selection of his works and artistic process over 5 decades. The book was compiled by Laura De Jaeger and Johannes Luik and contains textual contributions by Art Allmägi, Laura De Jaeger, Juhani Järvinen, Kirke Kangro, KIWA, Johannes Luik and Taavi Talve.
Exhibition “Keeping things in the dark, again”
Join us for the exhibition “Keeping things in the dark, again” opening on September 22, 5 pm!   Anna Škodenko, Darja Popolitova, Viktor Gurov and Francisco Martínez  22.09—25.10.2023 Opening: 22.09 at 5 pm “Keeping things in the dark again” is a collectively curated art project, based on ethnographic research. The exhibition at the EKA gallery is the final part of a trilogy, which reflects on the correlation between public secrets and shadow spaces in Ida-Virumaa. Over the past three years, we have visited 37 basements, exploring the underground material culture of this post-industrial, Russian-speaking, ecologically devastated region. A four-artist installation has been the first outcome of our collective work, which was exhibited in the Riga Art Space (2022) and at the Sillamäe Museum (2023).
Tarrvi Laamann “Deya, Norge PopUp!”
Tarrvi Laamann “Deya, Norge PopUp!”
Tarrvi Laamann “Deya, Norge PopUp!” at Hermetikken Kulturnæringshage, Vadsø, Kingdom of Norway 25.-29.10.2023 On Wednesday, October 25, opens Tarrvi Laamann the PopUp exhibition Hermetikken Kulturnæringshage, Vadsø Culture Center, Norway.