

Flo Kasearu “Cut Out of Life”
Flo Kasearu “Cut Out of Life”
What really goes on behind closed doors? Why is it safer on the streets than at home? How do male perpetrators – every fourth man in Estonia – justify their actions?
Mall Paris's personal exhibition “Infinity”
Mall Paris's personal exhibition “Infinity” will be open in Hobusepea gallery from Wednesday, December 16, 2020. Exhibition will stay open until January 11, 2021.   Word ---- image ---- imagination. Either every word separately or together as a line. The space fades into a complete idea or single images ...   Words compose an image or an attempt appearing in time.
Erki Kasemets's personal exhibition “Karl Marx in the Animal Kingdom”
Erki Kasemets's personal exhibition “Karl Marx in the Animal Kingdom” will be open in Draakon gallery from Tuesday, December 15th, 2020. The most lightweight painting in Estonia can be seen at the exhibition and 37 years later, Erki Kasemets is collaborating with Reet Ohna, the artist of the board game that Kasemets invented in his childhood.   “When I was in the seventh grade, I took part in the competition of designing a board game inspired by the natural world. My invention was awarded the 2nd prize, and the 1st prize was not given out. They decided to place my game into production – before that, the rules were adjusted and simplified; the artist designed the board and the packaging that were depicting animals. The product was titled “Journey in the Animal Kingdom” and tens of thousands of copies of the game were printed.
Katrin Essenson, Anne-Mai Heimola ja Danel Rinaldo
Laupäev, 19. detsember 2020 14:00 - 17:00 Avatud uste päev Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuris Anne-Mai Heimola, Katrin Essensoni ja Danel Rinaldo loomingu esitlused.   Anne-Mai Heimola elab ja töötab Tallinnas. EKAs stsenograafia eriala lõpetamise järel on ta töötanud Rahvusooper Estonias, Draamateatris, Von Krahli Teatris, Vene Teatris - dekoraatori, rekvisiitori, kostümeerija ja kunstnikuna. Vaskjala Loomeresidentuuri kohta kuulis ta sõpradelt, kui väga inspireerivast kohast, kus tutvuda ja kohaneda oma hinge sisehelidega.
Annual exhibition of Tartu art at the Tartu Art House
From Saturday, 19 December the traditional annual exhibition of Tartu art can be visited in the Tartu Art House. This year its title is “Tightrope Walker” and it is designed by Eveli Varik.   Varik explains the title: „Tightrope walker is foremost a symbol of the search for balance, the constant overcoming over personal limitations and setting of more audacious goals. Looking at yourself with fresh eyes: can I overcome the obstacles, can I keep my balance while moving towards the new goals. Tightrope walking is also associated with the search for subconscious states. Letting go of rigid notions and staying the course without too much thought by believing one’s senses and instincts, one’s physical and mental balance. A journey has a beginning and an end. It might be shorter or longer or last one’s whole life. It contains a lot of tension that should be kept out of mind and a lot of courage that should be enjoyed.
Exhibition “Home of Good Thoughts”
Exhibition “Home of Good Thoughts”
The corona crisis forced a lot of us to spend weeks stuck inside our homes. Being in a small and isolated space 24/7 became our reality, a tiny world of our own. Being confined made us anxious and the only way out was the computer screen or our imagination. In social media, jokes about holiday trips to the balcony, gourmet trips to the kitchen or spa-weekends in the bathroom circulated widely. The intimate and limited space became so familiar and so thoroughly felt that being in it acquired a new kind of depth. Just like we can travel in our minds, we can sit on our sofas and imagine that the flat is, indeed, our home town: the living room table is like a city square with busy family members around it, the square is framed by facades of various buildings, convenient roads lead to the residential suburb, restaurant, spa...   At the heart of the exhibition “Home of Good Thoughts” is an attempt to compare private interiors and public city space through active sculptural landmarks.
Britta Benno’s exhibition “Ruinenlust: Lasnamägi”
On Monday, 14 December at 16.00, pre-reviewing of Art and Design programme PhD student Britta Benno’s exhibition “Ruinenlust: Lasnamägi” will take place at Hobusepea Gallery (and via Zoom). Exhibition is part of the artistic (practice-based) doctoral thesis of Britta Benno.   To participate at the pre-reviewing in the gallery, please registrate HERE The exhibition is open until 14 December, 2020. Supervisor: Dr. Elnara Taidre
Britta Benno's exhibition “Ruinenlust in Lasnamäe”
Britta Benno's personal exhibition “Ruinenlust in Lasnamäe” will be open in Hobusepea gallery since Wednesday, November 25th, 2020. Exhibition will be open until December 14, 2020.   When waking up from a lunch-time nap, it had transformed to a gigantic future dinosaur that no one had ever seen before. One can imagine the soaked bulks of houses thrown on a hillocky landscape behind the fog. These are the ruins of concrete panel houses that have luckily survived in a spot that once was called Lasnamäe.   The cuboids had no windows nor doors, darkness smirked its toothless grin behind the cavities. And yet, there was no emptiness there – new life had moved in Lasnamäe. Creatures like the dinosaur were living there – huge, miraculous animals whose ancestors originated from the Anthropocene.  
Katrin Piile's exhibition "The Rabbit Who Fell into the Pool Full of Balloons"
Katrin Piile's personal exhibition "The Rabbit Who Fell into the Pool Full of Balloons" will be open in Draakon gallery from Tuesday, November 24, 2020. Exhibition will be open until December 12, 2020.
 Lola Liivat “The Color Oration of Abstract Painting”
On Friday, 20.11.20, the living legend of Estonian abstract art Lola Liivat will open the exhibition “The Color Oration of Abstract Painting” based on her latest work at the SOLARIS Gallery. In cooperation with the Viinistu Art Museum, in addition to a fresh conceptual exhibition, works from the author's various creative periods have been exhibited.   As a curator, I have a very small role in creating this exhibition. All this was already done by the author before - we delivered the works, Lola looked around the room a bit and then, as a conductor, waved the puzzle pieces to their right places. A unity opened to the eyes, which includes everything - birth and death; in one repetitive sequence. The color spurges scattering like a purple bruise and the enlightenment flickering like lightning - a person's journey through the stars of difficulty and the millions of stars themselves, whole star systems.