

 Silver Vahtre’s solo exhibition “Collages of Tartu”
From Friday, 25 June Silver Vahtre’s solo exhibition “Collages of Tartu” is open in the large gallery of the Tartu Art House.   The renowned designer, urban artist, printmaker, theatre and film artist Vahtre calls his last year’s large-format series “Collages of Tartu” but what else can the creation of an artist be called other than “collage”. Be it a portrait or a landscape and even if the outcome is purely realist, the artist has compiled it from his own visions.   However, Vahtre’s present imagery is something unique and dream-like. As a sovereign artist who knows his subject matter, he approaches his ideas without restraints, false modesty or hidden political/cultural/religious correctness. This results in compositions of urban environments, the people who inhabit them and full of historic references.
Jaanika Peenra “Re-Routed Flight”
Jaanika Peenra's “Re-Routed Flight”
We are thrilled to announce that Jaanika Peerna’s work is included in the group exhibition “Drawing Power: Children of Compost”, curated by Joana P. R. Neves at FRAC Picardie, with the vernissage tomorrow.    “Drawing Power - Children of Compost” marks the beginning of a collaboration with DRAWING NOW. The second part of the exhibition opens at Drawing Lab Paris on 26 June 2021.    This exhibition focuses on contemporary drawing in connection with the theme of ecology, combining selected artists with some of the artists from the Frac Picardie collection.    Jaanika’s “Re-Routed Flight” the first self-performing artwork by the artist. The piece was exhibited for the first time at the Tallinn Art Hall / Tallinna Kunstihoone in 2020. The origninal form of the piece is a signature wall installation by the artist, consisting of hand-cut drawing on mylar.
Rahvusvaheline näitus „Tänapäeva armastus ehk Armastus külma intiimsuse ajastul“
On Friday, 18 June at 6 pm the exhibition “Modern Love (or Love in the Age of Cold Intimacies)” will be opened at Tallinn Art Hall. The exhibition, which brings together sixteen international artists, explores the state of love and intimate relations in the age of the Internet, social media, neo-liberal capital and globalisation.   The exhibition probes the societal patterns and challenges as well as possibilities that the Internet and social media – and now the Covid-19 pandemic – present to our intimate relationships. The exhibition is curated by Katerina Gregos.   Digital technology and consumerism have significantly transformed love and social relationships. The experience of the virtual has increasingly dissolved the boundary between private and public. This influences how we communicate and interact with one another, especially with those closest to us.
Music Festival for Brave Ear
Supersonicum and Artfactory ARS presents. Music Festival for Brave Ear June 19 and 20 in Artfactory ARS, Tallinn Once upon a time (2016 – 2018) there used to be a sound-art and experimental music gallery Supersonicum in Viljandi. After a few years of progressive laziness we are witnessing an epic come-back of Supersonicum as a hobo-gallery. During new wave it will temporaily take over different alternative locations, transforming them into Supersonicum. First invasion will be performed in soviet time hangar, where skillful craftsmen once executed artpieces of butterfingers-artists. I know, because i witnessed it!   One day ticket 5 eur, two days ticket 8 eur. Only cash and at the door.   Lineup is prominent.   June 19, at 6 pm. Väckstage Raul Keller
 Tarrvi Laaman “G-Coffee”
“G-Coffee” displays Tarrvi Laaman's more recent artwork and is his first solo exhibition at Staapli 3 Art Gallery.  The artist describes: “This exhibition work became full of colour and contrast like the Jamaican life. It's inspired by the people of this island and its nature, warm sun and the Caribbean Sea. The impulse came directly from its nature and local culture - I printed cannabis leaves onto plywood and added bright acrylic colours that are common to Jamaica and which flow and pulsate on the paintings like the local folk music - in the rhythm of reggae”.   Tarrvi Laamann's exhibition “G-Coffee” brings the viewers prints and paintings with optimistic impulse and reggae rhythms. Tarrvi's creative practice is versatile - he has exhibited artwork in Estonia and abroad, published books and music, and his work is in various collections in Estonia, Finland, Jamaica, China and in many more.
Group exhibition “Grow Up Get Over It”
Kelli Gedvil, Robin Ellis Meta, Kristen Rästas 11.06-19.06.2021   roam Lindenstraße 90
The mining museum in Kohtla-Nõmme. Photo: Etti Kagarov.
On June 17, the art exhibition “Life in Decline” opens at the Estonian Mining Museum. For the show, the former administrative building of the Kohtla mine has been intervened to bring forth what goes on in a condition described as in decline. Participating artists: Anna Škodenko, Anne Rudanovski, Darja Popolitova, Edith Karlson, Eléonore de Montesquiou, Jevgeni Zolotko, John Grzinich, Laura Kuusk, Sandra Kosorotova, Varvara & Mar. Exhibition is curated by Francisco Martínez.   The art bus leaves Tallinn on June 17 at 2pm next to Estonian Drama Theatre (Draamateater; Pärnu mnt street, towards Viru hotel).   There will be a curated tour at 6pm (in English) and music will be played by DJ Raul Saaremets.
 photo: Annika Toots
The registration to the PhD Vitamin consultations and workshop is open!   The second PhD Vitamin of the Estonian Academy of Arts will take place this year on June 15-17 via ZOOM. The event consists of public lectures, consultations and a workshop for drafting a doctoral thesis. The event will once again bring together experts in creative research with those interested in entering doctoral studies in art and design. All interested parties are welcome to participate in public lectures by the creative research experts on June 15-16. To join a ZOOM lecture, please use the links below:   Tuesday, 15.06. 14:00-15:00 - Mick Wilson Tuesday, 15.06. 17:00-18:00 - Britta Benno
Anna Škodenko “Stranger at Home”
Anna Škodenko will open her personal exhibition “Stranger at Home” in Draakon gallery at 6pm on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021. The exhibition will be open until July 3rd, 2021.   The artist comments on her current exposition: “You are looking through the large gallery window and make the decision to step inside of a home that is unknown for you – the space of my exhibition.   The phrase “stranger at home” can refer to a stranger in somebody else’s home. It can also mean an alteration in the perception of the external world, transforming close things to something distant. It can allude to a poetic sensation of crossing the borders and facing the unknown. Or it can just happen that at home one feels stranger than in foreign countries.
Kristel Saan “Coral Pearl” 2021
From June 8 onwards a solo exhibition of Kristel Saan “Paradise – I Already Went And Came Back“ is taking place at the (AV17) gallery in Vilnius.   Kristel Saan is an Estonian artist residing and creating in both Vancouver and Tallinn. She has already presented her works in Finland, Hungary, Denmark, USA, Canada, Germany, and many other countries, while her art pieces are a part of multiple international collections. She has also been working for several years now for the Hollywood movie industry and created sets and artworks for big blockbuster movies. In her process of creation, the artist is paying close attention to corporeal sensations as well as the relationship between the body and its environment. Her means of expression encompasses large-scale installations, photography, video works, ceramics, textile pieces, etc.