

Group exhibition “Pine-fulness”
Group exhibition “Pine-fulness”
Pine-fulness group exhibition will open from 7 May in the gallery of Vana-Võromaa Cultural Centre. The exhibition deals with the relationship between Estonians and their natural environment. Using bitter humour and sustainable gestures, it attempts to raise awareness of the impact of today’s actions on our dream future. The participating artists are Eike Eplik, Olimar Kallas, Reet Kasesalu, Jan Lütjohann, Georgi Markelov, Mall Nukke, Hanna Samoson and Johannes Säre. The curator of the exhibition is Siim Preiman. You are welcome to the opening of the exhibition on 6 May at 6 pm in the gallery of Vana-Võromaa Cultural Centre!
„Happiness and Everything Else“ by Evi Tihemetsa and August Künnapu
From Friday, 6 May, Tallinn City Gallery will host the exhibition Happiness and Everything Else, which brings together artists Evi Tihemets and August Künnapu, professionals and dreamers who are both picturesque and graphic at the same time. The curator of the exhibition is Tamara Luuk.
Flo Kasearu – Flo’s Retrospective
Flo Kasearu – Flo’s Retrospective
Kunsthalle Recklinghausen 1 May – 7 August 2022 With Flo’s Retrospective, the Kunsthalle Recklinghausen presents the Estonian artist Flo Kasearu’s first solo exhibition in Germany. The exhibition is part of the Ruhrfestspiele 2022 official program. Working across various media and genres, the artist is able to condense socially urgent and politically relevant topics in a remarkable way.
 Sigrid Viir & Cloe Jancis
Sigrid Viir and Cloe Jancis in Riga
Riga Photography Biennial, "Screen Age III: Still Life", Riga Art Space, 22.04 -12.06.2022 The exhibition Screen Age III: Still Life continues a series from 2018 that poses existentially pressing questions through observing the way technology is slowly changing people today. How deeply has human consciousness become inseparable from the technological solutions that grow increasingly useful and convenient with each day? Are we the same individuals that we were when we didn’t have smartphones and smart watches that serve us so well in monitoring the world? What are the ways in which our attitudes have shifted in respect to seemingly eternal things and ethical values centuries in the making? What testimony will there remain after our time is past? We invite you to pursue this line of thought by employing the coordinate system used throughout art history – that is, the traditional genres of portraiture, landscape, and still life. These have changed beyond recognition in the new epoch, the screen era.
“Then the Edge Asserts Itself” byTim Høibjerg, Triin Marts ja Siiri Jüris
Tim Høibjerg, Siiri Jüris and Triin Marts will open their exhibition Then the Edge Asserts Itself in Hobusepea gallery on Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 18.00. Exhibition will stay open until May 30, 2022. Then the Edge Asserts Itself, which takes its title from Anne Carson’s book Eros the Bittersweet (1986), is a group exhibition that looks towards the complexities of human desire and emotional interaction. The exhibited artists share a common interest in corporal experiences – in the body as archive, material, landscape, haven. Through painting, sculpture, video, and installation, they explore what it means to be alone and together in a distressed and desolate world, with a particular attention towards the powers of touch, memory, and intimacy. In dialogue with each other and the materials and traditions that govern their work, they address how desire forms selfhood, how it makes and breaks us, and the abiding struggle to soften the edges of doubt.
Näitus "New Beast of Burden"
Exhibition "New Beast of Burden"
David Attwood / Enrico Freitag / Vika Kirchenbauer / Sigrid Viir March 25 - June 4, 2022 This group exhibition scratches lightly at the complexities of labour and their representation, revealing a curious self-reflection on contemporary and historical depictions of work, our relationship with leisure, laziness, and art-making as a form of labour. These strange New Beasts of Burden are bound by their seemingly inherent need for modes of production, and, perhaps equally, a voracious desire to purchase, acquire and fulfil what they apparently lack. Additional information: Low Gallery Lāčplēša iela 78A  Rīga, Latvija LV-1011 E-mail: Wed–Fri 15.00–18.00 Sat 14.00–17.00
Edgar Tedresaar „Antropotseen”
“Anthropocene” by Edgar Tedresaar
On Friday, 6 May at 5 p.m. the painter Edgar Tedresaar will open his solo exhibition “Anthropocene” in the large gallery of Tartu Art House. The exhibition talks about the epoch when humankind dominates the biosphere and our actions directly influence the living environment of the planet. Tedresaar mainly focuses on landscapes that people have reshaped and reformed. These are the places where the minerals and natural resources that are important for the everyday life in our techno-centric world come from. We don’t think about all of this often, but as a result of obtaining them, the natural species and environments of these areas perish and the pursuit of financial gains leads to the suffering of innumerable masses.
“Reformation” by Hanno Soans & Silvia Sosaar
Hanno Soans and Silvia Sosaar open their co-exhibition Reformation in Draakon gallery at 6PM on Wednesday, May 4th, 2022. Exhibition will be open until May 28, 2022. But where is the final destination of the roots of an event? Where are the last cells of an event-organism? These are nowhere. These exist only if agreed upon. This is especially obvious when observing the retroactivity of the specific event comparatively, let’s say in the context of Criminal Code and the possible feeling of guilt. Jaan Kross, „Kajalood“, 1980
Mushroom Magic & Mushroom Exhange at Gallery Metropol
Gallery Metropol presents: Monika Aan THE MAGIC OF MUSHROOMS in gallery Metropol 6m2 & Metropol spring exhibition MUSHROOM EXCHANGE in Metropol Cabinet gallery Opening on Saturday, April 9 2022 at 6 pm Vana-Kalamaja 46, Tallinn According to biologist Tõnu Ploompuu, this is the most mushroom-poor month of the year. In order to soften the resulting sorrows, we invite you to see the new exhibitions in gallery Metropol and prepare for the new mushroom season. Mushrooms and everything related to them is a beloved theme in art and you can see a number of different responses to the mysterious and addictive call of the mushroom world in our galleries. Monika Aan's first solo exhibition "The Magic of Mushrooms" is dedicated to her father, who always gets lost in the forest, but during that always obtaines the mystical power to move forward and pass dozens and dozens of kilometers. Fear and sense of time disappear. About her exhibition Monika says:
Taavi Talve “(re)constructed points of view”
Taavi Talve's personal exhibition “(re)constructed points of view” will be open in Draakon gallery since Wednesday, April 6th, 2022. Finissage of the exhibition will take place at 8pm on April 29th. There is no evidence in the structural logic of the filmstrip that distinguishes footage from a finished work. Thus, any piece of work may be regarded as footage that can be used in any form to construct or reconstruct a new work. Hollis Frampton, filmmaker (Re)constructed points of view by Taavi Talve places film as a found material in the middle of the installations. Based on the fact, current exhibition refers both to the materiality of (the illusion of) film and the irreconcilable contradiction in the center of moving image – its immobility.