
A-Galerii 30: Jubilee exhibition TRANSMISSION


A-Galerii 30 
SEIF 10.05-15.06

TRANSMISSION, as a term, signifies the act of transferring: in practice, it refers to the conveyance of force, energy, and control. It also encompasses the transfer of thoughts and ideas, from one entity to another. Thus, every belief encompasses transmission, an intelligent organizing energy that can catalyze change.

The TRANSMISSION exhibition evokes a period from 30 years ago. On May 10, 1994, in the premises of the present-day HOP Gallery of the Estonian Artists' Union, situated at Hobusepea 2, a distinctive gallery devoted to art jewelry was inaugurated through the financial backing and collaborative effort of 33 artists. The core of this exhibition consists of the works of these artists from the 1990s.

Among them are artists who have since passed away, but fortunately, many talented new artists have emerged. Do we also find influences and traces of the 1990s in the works of these younger creators—contemporary ideas intermingling with those from the past? What has been added over time, and what has been lost? The curators do not deny that, in compiling the exhibition, they sought similarities and kinship rather than conflicts, with a hidden desire to witness transmissions and inspirations stemming from the pivotal jewelry art of that era.

The exhibition aims to pay homage to the pioneers, to all fellow travelers, and extends wishes of strength to those continuing the mission of A-Galerii. Today is tomorrow's yesterday.

Exhibition curators: Tiina Käesel and Maria Valdma-Härm
Exhibition design: Maria Valdma-Härm
Graphic design: Rasmus Lukas

The exhibition features video clips from the ERR archive: "Estonian Jewelry" (parts 1 and 3, year 1990), director Tiina Pork, consultant Tiina Käesel.

The exhibition is supported by the Estonian Cultural Endowment, café Maiasmo, AS Liviko, Bohemian Wine and Art

Thanks to: Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design and Ketli Tiitsar, Valge Kuup and Neeme Külm

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