XXI Kohila Symposium closing ceremony will take place on Saturday 31.07 at 19:00 at the Tohisoo Manor. Liz Wirestring will perform on harp. Heat will be added by the parallel program: opening of the fire sculpture in front of the audience. The petal kiln has been built by kiln master Andres Allik, the fire sculpture by Sander Raudsepp.
Artists around the world have spent 3 weeks in Kohila. They have been creating ceramic scluptures that are wood-fired in an Anagama kiln. The topic this year is light! Created ceramic sculptures will be lit by light artist Rene Manivald Tamm.
The final exhibition will take place at the Kohila Paper Factory and stays open until the next day, 1. August.
19:00 Opening at the Tohisoo manor (EST)
20:00 Exhibition and guided tour at the Kohila Paper factory (EST/ENG/RUS)
22:00 Liz Wirestringi concert at the Tohisoo manor
23:00-00.00 Around midnight fire sculpture will be opened for 5-7 minutes. It is difficult to predict the exact time. Be there and be ready
Tallinn-Kohila-Tallinn Artist Bus info:
From Tallinn to Kohila Symposium the bus will start from National library site at 18.00. And back to Tallinn you can go with same bus, that will start to drive back at 00:30.
Project managers Lumi Kristin Vihterpal and Jekaterina Kultajeva, kiln master Andres Allik, staff members Kristel Ojasuu, Aigi Orav, Külli Kõiv, Ingrid Allik, Annika Haas, Evi Pärn, Aare Ermus, Triinu Soikmets, Juss Heinsalu, Evelin Saul, Inna Laanmets etc.
Sponsors and partners: Estonian Ceramics Association, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Centre of Folk Culture, Development Fund of Rapla County Local Governments, Kohila Township, Department of Ceramics at the Estonian Academy of Arts, OÜ Kerako, Kohila Educational Center, The TAKKK Environmental Art Symposium, Kohila Open Youth Center, ARS Ceramics Centre, Veski Mati, Nurme ja Eurosec OÜ, Asuurkeraamika OÜ, Tohi Distillery OÜ and many others.