
Mall Paris's personal exhibition “Infinity”


Mall Paris's personal exhibition “Infinity” will be open in Hobusepea gallery from Wednesday, December 16, 2020. Exhibition will stay open until January 11, 2021.
Word ---- image ---- imagination. Either every word separately or together as a line. The space fades into a complete idea or single images ...
Words compose an image or an attempt appearing in time.
Infinity is far
or close
Infinity is close
far ...
Sympathy for certain arrangement yet infinity that is letting go, drifting away ...
Infinity is far
or close
Infinity is close
far ...
following as a shadow ...
Mall Paris
According to the artist, her current exhibition is a conceptual continuation to her previous exhibition Word held in Vabaduse gallery in 2019. Art historian Juta Kivimäe has stated that Mall Paris is one of the purest practitioners of abstract and minimalist painting in Estonian art. Paris's painted imagery is close to a geometric approach but also including almost always something else, something undefinable. Her artwork has traces of minimalism and poetical arte povera. In her emphatic way, Paris poeticizes way of living and art that has grown out of the most scarce means; and yet, her paintings express the most exquisite features of the art of painting. Tamara Luuk, curator of the Tallinn Art Hall, has characterized Mall Paris as a silent and consistent artist who is always present; and who in her creative practice is steadfast and uniquely elegant. Paris's work has been led by the seriality of minimalist paintings where the recurrence of an image has simultaneously a maddening effect as well as caressing the viewer's eye with its pulsating multitude of nuances.
Mall Paris (b. 1954) is born in Tallinn. She has graduated from the department of painting at the Estonian State Art Institute in 1984. The artist has participated in exhibitions since 1981. Mall Paris is a member of the Estonian Artists' Association, Estonian Painters' Association and Estonian Watercolorists' Union. She has taken part in numerous group exhibitions both in Estonia and abroad as well as held several personal exhibitions. In 2018, Mall Paris was awarded Kristjan Raud Prize and in 2020 she received Konrad Mägi Art Award.
Exhibition is supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia.
Exhibitions in Hobusepea gallery are supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture and Liviko Ltd.
Additional information:
Hobusepea Gallery
Tel: +372 56 451 591
      +372 52 85 324
      +372 6 276 777
Hobusepea 2, Tallinn 10133
Wed‒Mon 12.00‒18.00
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