06.12.2024–15.02.2025 / Opening: 6.12 kell 17:00
Dedicated to the Memory of Narva Artist Elena Kolli
At the opening event, Zhanna Golubtsova will be welcomed as a new member of the association.
We are pleased to invite all art enthusiasts to the exhibition of the Symbol 4 association, dedicated to the memory of the talented Narva artist Elena Kolli. The exhibition will showcase a wide range of artworks, highlighting the contributions of Ida-Virumaa artists to the cultural life of the region. Each participant will present 3-5 works, creating a harmonious representation of diverse styles and themes.
Among the participants are renowned masters such as Eduard Zentsik, Yury Khorev, Vadim Jerohhin, Igor Gordin, Olga Tjurina, Vladimir Kopõlov, Maria Sambuko ja Žanet Gova. A total of 38 paintings will be displayed, each imbued with profound philosophical meaning and aesthetics that resonate with symbolism and avant-garde traditions.
Additional information:
Curator: Art of Eduard Zentsik, Tel: +372 55950295; zentsik@gmail.com
Gallery information: Olga Voronkova, Tel: +372 5025385; olga@astri.ee
A-Art Gallery
Astri Center, 2. korrus
Tallinna mnt, 41 Narva