

Awards Gala at Tartu Art House
On Saturday, 1 March, starting at 6:00 p.m., a performative Awards Gala directed by Sveta Grigorjeva, Henri Hütt, Kertu Moppel, Liisa Saaremäel and Oksana Tralla will take place in the framework of the exhibition "Unfortunately, You Were Not Selected This Time". There will be an exhibition tour before the Awards Gala at 16.30. The gathering for the AWARD GALA takes place in front of Tartu Kunstimaja! NB! From Tallinn you can come to the gala by art bus. More information and registration here:…
“Serpent“ by Terje Ojaver
“Serpent“ by Terje Ojaver
Terje Ojaver, a classic of contemporary Estonian sculpture, is opening the new solo exhibition Serpent at the Tartu Art Museum on 8 March, displaying the very latest of her work and a selection of her earlier creations. Terje Ojaver’s sculptures speak of life as a challenge that must be faced. A giant woman armed with a pitchfork is ready to defend her home and children, yet she is fully aware of the dual purpose of her weapon. She knows that a corpse is essentially fertilizer, worm food: the beginning of new life.
9th Artishok Biennial “Siesta“
9th Artishok Biennial “Siesta“
On Thursday, 20 February at 19.00, the 9th Artishok Biennial Siesta will kick off with the opening of Artjom Astrov's work and a concert at Vanaturu kael 3, Tallinn.  The openings of the ten new artworks of the biennial will take place at various locations in Tallinn throughout February and March, leaving a small break or siesta in the middle of the schedule, hence the biennial's title. Texts written about each work by the biennial's ten authors will be published in parallel with the openings and will then remain available on the Artishok website. Opening schedule:
“Ordinary Worlds“ by Toomas Kuusing
“Ordinary Worlds“ by Toomas Kuusing
We have the pleasure of inviting you to the opening of the exhibition Ordinary Worlds by Toomas Kuusing on Friday, 21 February at 5 PM.  „In the world we live in, there is no longer a universally accepted truth, nor any basis to distinguish between what is real and what is imagined. The balance between reality and fiction has changed. We live in an enormous image. The artist has less and less need to invent content for their work. Fiction already exists.” With the exhibition at Rüki Gallery, the artist presents a selection of his most recent graphic art and paintings. Under this title, the works conceptually continue central themes that have been present in his work for nearly twenty years.
Sarah Nõmm's exhibition “Diaries of a Bruised Princess”
On February 14 at 18.00, a curatorial tour by Kärt Kelder for bruised and uncorrupted hearts will take place at Sarah Nõmm's exhibition Diaries of a Bruised Princess, followed by a performance by dance and performance artist Kirte Jõesaar. * Let’s play a game. I am a princess, and you are a wicked stranger. I have nine hearts; eight are bruised, and one is uncorrupted. 
"Candid Eyes" by Tõnu Tormis & Ilmar Kruusamäe
On Thursday, 13th of February at 6 pm Tõnu Tormis and Ilmar Kruusamäe will open their portrait exhibition "Candid Eyes" at Vaal Gallery. The exhibition will remain open until 15th of March.
Picture: Beaudoin, Paul. leap of faith, 2023 (fragment). Acrylic, mixed media on canvas, 200 x 200 cm.
On Friday, 7 February at 5.00 p.m., the interdisciplinary artist Paul Beaudoin opens his solo exhibition who i talk to when you are not here at Vabaduse Gallery. The exhibition delves into the quiet yet profound dialogues within the self. Through a collection of paintings, the artist explores inner exchanges between the conscious and unconscious mind, the spiritual and the secular. Many of the works have been created during an artist residency at the Alice Boner Institute in Varanasi, India. The exhibition in the Vabaduse gallery marks the first time Beaudoin’s works have been shown in Estonia.
Non Grata “Melting Point”
On Saturday, January 25, 2025, the Non Grata NYC performance took place in Garibaldi Square, Washington Square Park, Manhattan, New York. In addition to Non Grata, the New York alternative collectives Guerilla Theater and AnarkoArtLab performed. The two-hour improvised performance “Melting point,” surrounded by hundreds of spectators in the heart of the Big Apple, melted blues and reds, blacks, whites, yellows, beiges and oranges into one, to continue navigating the endless paths of the universe as a unified whole. Non Grata performed with Anonymous Boh, Devil Girl, Harmony, Hannes Paldrock, Oliver Rull.
Eglė Budvytytė (1981). Koostöös: Marija Olšauskaitė (1989), Julija Lukas Steponaitytė (1992). Laulud kompostist. Muteeruvad kehad, plahvatavad tähed. 2020. Stoppkaader videost. Kunstniku loal
From Friday, 7 February, the international group exhibition They Began to Talk will be open in the contemporary art gallery of Kumu Art Museum. The exhibition takes the intertwinement of the body and the environment as its point of departure, in an era marked by rapid environmental change and inequality. They Began to Talk brings together the practices of artists working in this region with those from indigenous communities in the Nordic countries, exploring the possibility of recovering and cultivating a sense of connection. The exhibition continues the Kumu Contemporary Art Gallery’s programme of exhibitions on environmental themes, which began in 2023 with Art in the Age of the Anthropocene. The exhibition is co-curated by Hanna Laura Kaljo and Ann Mirjam Vaikla.  
Karel Koplimetsa, Ruudu Ulase ja Tarvo Varrese näitus „Töid tasakaalust, fragmendist, üksildusest“
On Friday, 14 February at 5 PM the exhibition Works On Balance, Fragment, Loneliness by Karel Koplimets, Ruudu Ulas and Tarvo Varres will be opened at FOKU gallery.  You are welcome to join! The exhibition will be open until 12 April 2025. Additional information: +37255944447 IG, FB FOKU gallery Väike-Karja 10, Tallinn Thu‒Sat 12‒18