From Saturday, November 21 Taavi Talve’s solo exhibition “Documented Points of View” can be visited in the monumental gallery of the Tartu Art House.
The exhibition focuses on various points of view that frame landscapes, travelogues from different eras and journal entries. These are all observations that stem from a subjective author position. The narrative is presented as entries in the first person that join different eras, events and people into one story. “Documented Points of View” is a film about imagination that takes place when a description or a remembered photo starts off a chain of connections that in turn erase the border between actual experiences and imagination. It is as if “you had seen everything with your own eyes”.
The artist adds: „The word ‘landscape’ (Dutch ‘lanskip’) entered the English language from Dutch and initially denoted a piece of canvas that depicted a view of nature. Over the following centuries, the term has expanded to include various cultural practices. But the conventional approaches that were developed in 17th century painting continue to function when it comes to contemporary visual creation of the world and operational imagery when these are based on memory, ideology and the political aspects of landscape. In these cases, the landscape becomes a layered cultural product that is at the same time an aesthetic construction, a journalistic representation and a commodity.”
Taavi Talve (b 1970) has studied sculpture in the Estonian Academy of Arts and works currently in that school as the Chair of Installation and Sculpture. Since 2005, he has been a member of the artist group Johnson & Johnson (with Indrek Köster) that won the 2013 Annual Award of the Cultural Endowment of Estonia. Talve has been twice nominated for the Köler Prize. His previous solo exhibition in the Tartu Art House took place in 2013 and with Johnson & Johnson in 2015.
The exhibition is open until December 13, 2020.
Additional information:
Tanel Asmer
Tartu Art House producer
Tel: +372 5562 1192