On November 30 at 4 p.m., the presentation of the visually formatted process model and exhibition of the project “MUUSA: Synthesis and Development of Material Research” supported by the Ministry of Culture will take place.
The exhibition in the format of an open studio includes both completed and unfinished material assemblages and supporting structures. The MUUSA project was carried out by lecturers from the Estonian Academy of Arts and the heads of the Craft Studies Master’s programme, Kärt Ojavee and Juss Heinsalu.
One of the goals of the project was to develop a model of creative research based on materials using the co-creation method. During the work period, different versions were tested and synthesized and, for example, the following were studied: how to approach the study of the composition and properties of materials in creative practice; how to apply material as a method in managing the process; how to involve material as a muse to guide creative goals and interpretive solutions? The study of materials through artistic practice involves both meaning-making, sensory approaches, and the discovery and integration of the applicable properties of materials in possible final results. Eik Hermann helped to conceptualize and formulate the process based on the material and the knowledge generated through collaboration.
* moment of showing – the moment when one production cycle has been completed and the work has reached the draft or rough draft level, when it can either be tried out in reality or temporarily or permanently shared with a smaller or larger audience; if it is a moment of showing the draft phase, then a new production cycle follows the showing.
During the project, collaboration has also been carried out with Marie Vihmari, Fibenol OÜ, Reval Stone and AAA Patent Office.
The project presentation will take place at Kopli 27.
The project space can be visited until 12.12.2024 by agreement with the authors.
MUUSA project space exhibition design: Annika Kaldoja
Graphic design: Indrek Sirkel
Project manager: Anna Lohmatova
Thanks to: Eik Hermann, Piret Valk, Gert Preegel, Janno Rauk, Soldi Rent OÜ, Eesti Killustik OÜ, Villavennad OÜ, Selgase Dolomitit OÜ, Mattias Veller, Estonian Academy of Arts Research and Development Department, Ceramics, Textiles, Jewelry and Blacksmithing, Sculpture Workshops, Bruce Anderson, Joosep Kivimäe, Gary Markle, Andrus Ojavee, Heron Vrubel.