
Call for applications for “Women in Science Baltic Fellowship” continues. Two weeks to deadline!


The call for applications for “Women in Science Baltic Fellowship” is open until 5 July 2024. 

Applications to fellowships of €7,000 are invited from women scientist who are currently PhD students at any of the Estonian universities or research institutions, or who have completed their doctoral studies no more than seven years ago and are working at any of the Estonian universities or research institutions.

In Estonia two fellowships will be awarded in the fields of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, Medical and Health Sciences – one for a Doctoral Candidate and one for a Doctor of Sciences, and one scholarship for a Doctor of Sciences in the field of social sciences.

The fellowships are awarded by the Academies of Sciences of the Baltic States and the National Commissions for UNESCO, in cooperation with the Ministries of Education and Science. 

Applications can be submitted in the e-environment of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. 

More information 

Contact: Terje Tuisk,, +372 511 0356

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