
19th Annual Exhibition of Estonian Artists' Association

Tallinn Art Hall, Art Hall Gallery, City Gallery
Design by Kaarel Eelma
Jury members: Elin Kard, Tamara Luuk, Jaan Manitski, Sirli Oot, Andra Orn, Peeter Talvistu, Kaarel Eelma.
Works by a total of 117 artists will be displayed at the 19th annual exhibition of the Estonian Artists' Association. Also participating in the exhibition are six art galleries. The show includes classics, the heavyweight champions of Estonian art, as well as the most recent and fascinating examples of innovation in the local art scene. There will be paintings, photography, video works and sculptures as well as installations.
The extensive exhibition will fill Tallinn Art Hall and our other two galleries, Tallinn City Gallery and the Art Hall Gallery. Visitors can vote for their favourite at the exhibition; the winner will be awarded 5,000 euros by Estonian art collectors (Riivo Anton, Aivar Berzin, Jaan Manitski, Tiit Pruuli, Rain Tamm).
Works displayed in the spring exhibition were selected by the jury from a total of 263 applicants under exceptionally competitive conditions. For the second year, the audience can purchase any of the works from the exhibition, supporting the arts and the artists.
Participants at the Spring Exhibition 2019 
Vivian Ainsalu, Vano Allsalu, Andre Joosep Arming, Anonymous Boh, Sirje Eelma, Sirja-Liisa Eelma, Jaan Elken, Eleriin Ello, Pille Ernesaks, Dénes Farkas, Alexei Gordin, Hannah Harkes, Inga Heamägi, Mirjam Hinn, Eero Ijavoinen, Mihkel Ilus, Ashot Jegikjan, Virge Jõekalda, Eva Jänes, Siiri Jüris, Elna Kaasik, Ivar Kaasik, Kai Kaljo, Erki Kasemets, Alice Kask, Kaija Kesa, Tiiu Kirsipuu, Kalju Kivi, Kristi Kongi, Liive Koppel, Lauri Koppel, Liisa Kruusmägi, Ilme Kuld, Riho Kuld, Olev Kuma, Toomas Kuusing, Leena Kuutma, Laura Kõiv, August Künnapu, Tarrvi Laamann, Laivi, Leonhard Lapin, Laurentsius, Peeter Laurits, Tea Lemberpuu, Kris Lemsalu, Riina Grethiel Leppoja, Liivia Leškin, Lola Liivat, Anna Mari Liivrand, Jaan Luik, Edward von Lõngus, Urmas Lüüs, Maigi Magnus and Teet Veispak, Herkki-Erich Merila, Elo-Mai Mikelsaar, Lilian Mosolainen, Peeter Must, Marko Mäetamm, Rein Mägar, Meiu Münt, Karl-Kristjan Nagel, Naima Neidre, Mall Nukke, Olivia Nõgisto, Robin Nõgisto, Terje Ojaver, Jüri Ojaver, Kaido Ole, Helgi Maret Olvet, Tõnis Paberit, Anne Parmasto, Illimar Paul, Urmas Pedanik, Jaanika Peerna, Per William Petersen, Sirje Petersen, Juss Piho, PUSA, Rait Prääts, Aapo Pukk, Enn Põldroos, Evi Pärn, Tiit Pääsuke, Jane Remm, Lilli-Krõõt Repnau, Anne Daniela Rodgers, Tarmo Roosimölder, Mari Roosvalt, Uno Roosvalt, Martti Ruus, Sten Saarits ja Kristel Saan, Lembit Sarapuu, Slava Semerikov, Gea Sibola Hansen, Maria Sidljarevitš, Liina Siib, Regina-Mareta Soonsein, Angela Soop, Jevgeni Zolotko, Helen Tago, Erika Tammpere, Marje Taska, Evi Tihemets-Viires, Kadri Toom, Evi Tuvikene, Maria-Kristiina Ulas, Steve Vanoni, Lev Vassiljev, Vergo Vernik, Valeri Vinogradov, Maara Vint, Toomas Vint, Saara Väli, Marje Üksine.
The artists were selected for the exhibition by a jury that consisted of Elin Kard, Tamara Luuk, Jaan Manitski, Sirli Oot, Andra Orn, Peeter Talvistu and the designer of the exhibition, Kaarel Eelma.
“The jury’s work was exceptionally challenging this year, and much more great art is being made every year in Estonia than can fit into the Spring Exhibition, despite bringing all our galleries into use. We are very happy that artists wish to participate in the exhibition and we are also pleased to see those return who had decided to stay away for a while. There is reason to hope that the Spring Exhibition will become more exciting and richer every year, just like Estonian art in general,” enthuses Tamara Luuk, member of the jury.
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