
Annual exhibition of Tartu art at the Tartu Art House


From Saturday, 19 December the traditional annual exhibition of Tartu art can be visited in the Tartu Art House. This year its title is “Tightrope Walker” and it is designed by Eveli Varik.
Varik explains the title: „Tightrope walker is foremost a symbol of the search for balance, the constant overcoming over personal limitations and setting of more audacious goals. Looking at yourself with fresh eyes: can I overcome the obstacles, can I keep my balance while moving towards the new goals. Tightrope walking is also associated with the search for subconscious states. Letting go of rigid notions and staying the course without too much thought by believing one’s senses and instincts, one’s physical and mental balance. A journey has a beginning and an end. It might be shorter or longer or last one’s whole life. It contains a lot of tension that should be kept out of mind and a lot of courage that should be enjoyed. This symbol also summarises the teetering position of the society that has inevitably surrounded us all throughout 2020.”
Altogether, 172 authors presented 264 for the exhibition with 124 authors participating:
Alo Aarsalu, Maire Aarsalu, Marina Aleksejeva, Bach Babach, Helen Bunder, Manfred Dubov, Hillar Ehaste, Evi Gailit, Evelyn Grzinich, Albert Gulk, Lemme Haldre, Gerda Hansen, Reet Heinla, Mirjam Hinn, Õie Holm, Heleliis Hõim, Eero Ijavoinen, Inga Jermakova, Joel Jõevee, Kairo, Kalli Kalde, Aita Keerberg, Jaak Kikas, Gertrud Kinna, Veiko Klemmer, Kersti Kohtla, Liive Koppel, Liisa Kruusmägi, Peeter Krosmann, Ilmar Kruusamäe, Inge Kudisiim, Piret Kullerkupp, Lauri Kulpsoo, Olev Kuma, Mirjam Kustov, Artur Kuus, Väino Kõrts, Timo Kähara, August Künnapu, Martin Laiapea, Koidu Laur, Stina Leek, Kristel Leesmend, Anastasia Lemberg-Lvova, Tea Lemberpuu, Mati Leppik, Jane Liiv, Marita Liivak, Vello Lillemets, Margus Lokk, Eve Luik, Jaan Luik, Kaie Luik, Helle Lõhmus, Margit Lõhmus, Katrin Maask, Ove Maidla, Jüri Marran, Margus Meinart, Johanna Mudist, Elo-Mai Mägi, Kalle Mälberg, Lauri Mällo, Mari Männa, Meiu Münt, Marge Nelk, Marina Nerro, Tõnu Noorits, Mall Nukke, Kaire Nurk, Maaria Nõmmik, Eva Elise Oll, Aet Ollisaar, Taavi Oolberg, Deivi Org, Ulvi Oro, Tõnis Paberit, Priit Pangsepp, Andrus Peegel (1955–2020), Sirje Petersen, Per William Petersen, Sirje Piir, Küllike Pilden, Enn Põldroos, Riina Pärn, Inna Rebane, Mari-Ann Remmel, Ingmar Roomets, Katrin Roots (1970–2020), Rait Rosin, Martti Ruus, Sven Senka, Ahti Seppet, Virve Serglov, Henn Soopalu, Regina-Mareta Soonsein, Karin Strohm, Maret Suurmets Kuura, Robert Suvi, Ursula Sõber, Andres Sütevaka, Jevgeni Zolotko, Edgar Tedresaar, Enn Tegova, Maryliis Teinfeltd-Grins, Jane Tiidelepp, Nele Tiidelepp, Imbi Traat, Are Tralla, Külli Trummal, Mart Trummal, Taavi Tulev, Alar Tuul, Maris Tuuling, Evi Tuvikene, Margus Tõnnov, Triin Türnpuu, Mati Uprus, Ene Ustav, Tuuli Vahesaar, Eneli Valge, Üllar Varik, Riina Varol.
The exhibition will remain open until 17 January 2021.
Tartu Art House during the holidays:
Thursday, 24 December – closed
Friday, 25 December – closed
Saturday, 26 December  – closed
Friday, 1 January – closed
Additional information:
Tanel Asmer
Tartu Art House producer
Tel: +372 5562 1192
Tartu Art House
Vanemuise 26, 51014 Tartu
Wed–Mon 12.00–18.00
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