
Seven Estonian painters at HAA Gallery


From April29 to May 29 an exhibition of seven Estonian painters takes place at HAA Gallery, Helsinki.
Estonian Painters’ Association will open an exhibition of figure art at HAA Gallery in Helsinki, Finland. Besides the wide range of ways in depicting the nature of human body – both physical as well as non-physical – artworks by seven participating artists play also a symbolic tribute to “The Seven Brothers”, a novel by Finnish national
author Aleksis Kivi.

Seven artists who are performing together at the HAA Gallery do this kind of artistic collaboration for the first time. All of them are known for being independent creators and actively performing painters in Estonia for years, their artistical handwritings are recognizably characteristic and their original ideas rise from personal conceptions. The exhibition will let everyone stay on their own as well as to step into a dialogue with each other and the audience.

The gallery space allows to exhibit large-scale of paintings that are created either earlier or specially for this exhibition where also the design of the whole and the arrangement of the works play a big role. This way the portrayal of a man in his perfection and lust, weakness and pragmatism as well as the distinctive, irrational and thought-provoking styles of seven authors reflect all the variations of medium of painting. Good painting is beyond the generations, the “language” of artists lies in the world of colors and bush strokes.

Participating artists: Lembit Sarapuu (1930), August Künnapu (1978), Mauri Gross (1969), Laurentsius (1969), Karl-Kristjan Nagel (1977), Maarit Murka (1981), Mall Nukke (1964). Curators: Mall Nukke and Tiiu Rebane
Additional information:
Mall Nukke
Tiiu Rebane
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