
“Samurai Horizon” by Madlen Hirtentreu


On Wednesday, March 5 at 6 p.m. Madlen Hirtentreu will open her solo exhibition “Samurai Horizon” at Draakoni Gallery. The exhibition will remain open until March 29.

slow and fast
peace and greed
grace and speed
soil and air

A village Teletubby, modeled oneself after old discoveries of forest beliefs, finds itself in mid of adventurous carousel ride. 

Cast: Wooden Ronda, Imaginary hitman Ghost Dog, support avatars magnetXreme & Dolphin Delighter, icon Sword Forest, Naive but brave Teletubby, Pirate Swan etc

Madlen Hirtentreu (1993) is an Estonian multidisciplinary artist whose work spans sculpture and site-specific installations. She finished her BA in Visual Communication in Milan Istituto Europeo di Design and graduated 2018 MA in Fine Art, Sculpture and Installation at Estonian Academy of Arts. Currently, Hirtentreu is studying Jewellery and Blacksmithing.

Her artistic approach is rooted in an exploration of memory, history, and materiality, often blurring the lines between archaeology, speculative fiction, and industrial aesthetics. Sculptures and installations that function as both excavations of the past and visions of possible futures. 
Her work often take form of ghostly, hybrid fragmented bodies or abandoned structures, evoking the sense of something that once was but no longer fully exists. The work frequently suggests an absence or a missing presence.

Supporters: Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Konesko Autotarvik.
The artist’s gratitude goes to: Jaan August Viirand, Mart Kuusk, Konesko, Mart Hirtentreu, Johanna Ruukholm, Karmo Järv, Adelle-Kristelle Lehtorg, EKA Keraamika, Ahto Härm, Gert Marmor, Villu Mustkivi, Jaanus Korka, Rünno Mander, Andres Juul, Umut Özcan.

Exhibitions at Draakon gallery are supported by Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Estonian Ministry of Culture, and Liviko AS.

Additional information:
Draakon Gallery
Tel:  +372 5645 1591
       +372 528 5324
       +372 6 276 777
Pikk 18, 10133 Tallinn
Mon–Fri 11.00–18.00
Sat 11.00–17.00

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