
rtist talk with the award-winning Canadian artist Tyler Tekatch at ARS


Artist talk with the award-winning Canadian artist Tyler Tekatch will take place October 23rd at 6PM in ARS Art Factory, Pärnu mnt 154, Tallinn. The event is held in room 310.
Tyler Tekatch is hosted in Tallinn by the Estonian Artists’ Association as part of the Hamilton Arts Council European Artist Exchange. Tekatch’s work explores the nature of dreams, perception and the scientific and religious imagination.
Tyler Tekatch began producing and exhibiting 16mm films in the context of Canadian avant-garde cinema. He has extended his practice to include collage, photography, digital cinema and interactive installation. Throughout, his work has been inspired by the desire to explore the mysterious, hidden and uncanny dimensions contained within everyday rituals.
“I strive to work with emerging technology in order to contribute to a poetics of new media. Aesthetically, my practice has roots within the broader context of Canadian avant-garde cinema, especially the works of Jack Chambers, Joyce Wieland, Michael Snow and R. Bruce Elder. All of them exploited the emerging technologies of their day in order to uncover the aesthetic potential of new mediums. What also binds the artists mentioned above is an emphasis on vision and its correlates in the imagination. All of them seek to express metaphors of vision, and my work shares in that ambition.”
Event is held in English!
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