
"Academy Sport Club" by Silvia Soosaar and Hanno Soans


Silvia Sosaar & Hanno Soans will open their exhibition "Academy Sport Club" in Hobusepea gallery at 5.30pm on Thursday, October 17, 2019.
During the participatory art exhibition the gallery will be transformed into a training environment where everyone has the opportunity to become a living sculpture. Gallery environment will offer workouts inspired by gym circuit training (Silvia) and kick-boxing (Hanno) every evening at 5.30pm–6.30pm. A games hour with elastics and a climbing frame (Silvia) on Sundays 12.30pm–1.30pm. Let’s overcome our embarrassment together! See you at the Academy Sport Club, where everyone will become a living sculpture! The workouts are free! Bring a change of suitable shoes.
Pre-conditioning: The disciplined body plays the game, the mechanical body in rhythmic movement plays the game. Stretch-strain, push-pull. And the circle is complete. Again. And repeat. We are moving, but only on the spot. Quickened breathing seeks its rhythm. When that’s set, the contractions have no end. Training music? Yes! But internally, the only soundtrack is the rush of blood in the head and the sound of breathing, which marks the reality, which is experienced as unique in the moment. The sound which is neither a sign, which leans towards the signifier, nor a mask, which obscures it. Breathing is not a question of decision – it is an obligatory level of one’s earthly self. One must keep an eye on exhaling, we breath in ourselves. When our lungs speak, it is pure presence! The repetitions that free us of meanings dictate the serotonin levels in the brain and the lactic acid levels in the muscles, cognition tends to slide on the plane of reality and searches for a substitute for the pain and monotony. This is a way to be here, to exist, to be included. It is a way to lose one’s self: into the aerobic process of the running machine, the cycles of intensity in the circuit training, the body discipline that mimics kick-boxing.
Hanno Soans is mostly known as an art historian and theorist. Together with Anders Härm, Hanno Soans belongs among the most influential thinkers of the younger generation in the field of art in Estonia. Soans has obtained MA degree in art history at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2003 and currently studying in the department of art history and visual culture at the Doctoral School of Estonian Academy of Arts. In 1999-2008 Hanno Soans worked as a curator at the Art Museum of Estonia. As an artist, Soans has participated in exhibitions since 1997. Besides having held solo exhibitions, he has also belonged to art group „Stiilne Viisnurk“ (together with Anders Härm, Kiwa, Andres Lõo, Martin Pedanik and Jasper Zoova).
Silvia Sosaar has obtained BA degree in the department of photography at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 2017 and currently continuing her MA studies in contemporary art. Silvia Sosaar is a founding member of the publishing house ;paranoia she has held performances since 2014 and participated in group exhibitions (including those held by Umbrella Group) since 2015. Sosaar's previous exhibition "Unconscious Patient" was held in the Showcase Gallery of the photography department of the Estonian Academy of Arts and in the cafe of the Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia in spring 2019.
Consulting trainer Kadi Hunt, musical designer Kiwa, graphic designer Martin Rästa.
In collaboration with G-floors, Omatsirkus, Valge Kuup, KRK Jõusaalid.
Thanks to Andre Joosep Arming, Pierre Bourdieu, Dmitri Gerasimov, Aksel Haagensen, Tõnu Narro, Kati Ots, Olesja Semenkova, Mauno Saari, Jaak Soans, Silva and Aare Sosaar, Reimo Võsa-Tangsoo.
Academy Sport Club will be open until November 4, 2019. During the exhibition gallery will be open Wed-Mon 12pm-7pm.
Exhibitions in Hobusepea gallery are supported by the Cultural Endowment of Estonia and Estonian Ministry of Culture.
Additional information:
Hobusepea Gallery
Gsm: +372 55 679 009
         +372 52 85 324
Tel: +372 6 276 777
Hobusepea 2, Tallinn 10133
Wed-Mon 12.00‒19.00
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